Coral Essays

  • Coral Coverage

    1543 Words  | 7 Pages

    Title The Loss of Coral Coverage due to Nutrient Rich Water Introduction (500 words) This report will explore the global issue of an increase in nutrient richness in coral reefs and the impacts this has had to coral coverage. Coral reefs play a vital part in marine life as they home an abundance of marine wildlife. They attract such a vast population because of their coral seabeds which provide food for a great deal of marine wildlife. Records show that there are 128 documented corallivorous species

  • Coral Reefs

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    Imagine the very thing which keeps you alive is drained from you. This is what coral reefs around the world endure each day. Due to both human and environmental factors, coral reefs are dying out at an alarming rate but just because they have become bleached, that does not mean an absolute death sentence to the reed. If you have ever been on a beach trip, you have more than likely seen and/or explored a coral reef. You have seen the beauty that they are capable of holding and all of the life that

  • Coral Bleaching

    1437 Words  | 6 Pages

    Corals reefs are known as the “home” for most of the marine species. They are variety of biological community found underwater strengthened by an organic compound, calcium carbonate, excreted by corals. Though most of the marine ecosystems are consist of massive and diverse population of coral reefs, they are still considered as delicate ecosystems, especially on various conditions. When they are stressed due to constant change of conditions like temperature,they yield a negative outcome called coral

  • Coral Snakes

    1038 Words  | 5 Pages

    The coral snakes are separated into two divisions: Old World coral snakes which are found in Asia, and New World coral snakes found in the americas. The Old World coral snakes are divided into three genera: Calliophis, Hemibungarus, and Sinomicrusus. The New World coral snakes are also divided into 3 genera: Leptomicrurus, Micruroides and Micrusus.(1) The Texas Coral Snake (Micrurus tener), lives in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV), and it is because the Valley is one of their habitat regions , I will

  • Essay On Coral Bleaching

    1062 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Cultural Effects of Coral Bleaching Located in warm, shallow waters, one species is near it’s extinction. Scientific studies has anticipated this for years, but many people do not understand the _damage this obsolescence would have on the environment. An essential animal in the ocean, coral, is, “home to 25% of all marine fish species,” according to The Reef Resilience Network, which specializes in helping save coral. Corals have very special tolerances to things like temperatures, salinity levels

  • Coral Reef Evolution

    1087 Words  | 5 Pages

    Utilizing the evolutionary history of Coral Reefs: to go forward, we must look back Demi Mills, School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex With the future of coral reefs being uncertain, and 2015 set to experience the third global bleaching event with an El Niño predicted to rival that of 1998. The future of these highly biodiverse ecosystems is what researchers are rapidly attempting uncover. Piecing together, and unlocking mechanisms involved in a coral species plasticity to adapt and/or

  • Coral Reef History

    766 Words  | 4 Pages

    Evolutionary history of Coral Reefs, to go forward we must go back With the future of coral reefs being uncertain, and 2015 set to experience an El Nino to rival that of 1998, the future of these highly biodiverse ecosystems is something that researchers are rapidly trying figure out. Piecing together, and unlocking mechanisms involved in a coral species ability to adapt and or acclimatise, illustrate how some species of coral are more resilient to stress and answers as to what gives them this resilience

  • Coral Reef Essay

    1158 Words  | 5 Pages

    Abstract Belize’s coral reef is a beautiful ecosystem, comprising of approximately 500 species of fish. It is one of the largest reefs in the world, second to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The reef serves as a natural break from water waves. In 1998, two seemingly unrelated events occurred that destroyed Belize’s coral reef. In November, Hurricane Mitch, blew in and tore away part of the reef leaving behind some corals, known as the “standing dead”. After that, El Niño came along and brought warmer

  • Causes Of Coral Bleaching

    985 Words  | 4 Pages

    The coral bleaching phenomenon is occurring all over the world’s coral reefs and it is still happening right knows without we even noticing it. Various approaches have been applied to save this extraordinary God-given structure before it vanishes completely from the earth. However, the world probably should be more concern on the main issues that leads to this problem in the first place. Three major factors that contribute to coral bleaching include the rise in ocean temperature, changes in salinity

  • Coral Reef Essay

    1125 Words  | 5 Pages

    Coral reefs are involute and various environment. They are maybe a standout amongst the most captivating and brilliant biological communities to be found in the marine environment. They are extremely remarkable from numerous points of view. coral reefs play numerous weight shafts in the marine world. They must have particular conditions to be made, and to survive. Heaps of diverse ocean life depend on reefs for territory and wellsprings of victuals, including some risked species. Coral reefs are

  • Essay On Coral Reefs

    1577 Words  | 7 Pages

    Coral reefs. By: Valentina Sarria. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse and complex habitats. They are one of the most interesting and colorful ecosystems found in the marine environment. They are very unique in many different ways and a crucial support for human life. They play also a very important role in the marine life such as giving shelter and food for millions of species including fishes, crabs, or shrimps. They support 33% of marine fish species. They also have specific and certain

  • Coral Bleaching Effects

    1393 Words  | 6 Pages

    Coral reefs are the most diverse communities in the marine environment. Hermatypic-corals help form the structure of coral reefs and a shelter for a variety of organisms. Living coral reefs form land, provide the sand that lines tropical beaches, and the structures which prevent the waves from causing extensive coastal erosion. However, pollution from sewage and agricultural practices damages corals as well as the wide variety of organisms living within them. Stress is a physiological condition

  • Environmental Issues In Chasing Coral

    1690 Words  | 7 Pages

    Coral reefs worldwide have been disappearing at an alarming rate. The reason I chose the documentary Chasing Coral is that I am interested in gaining knowledge on environmental issues happening today. Corals are also fascinating creatures. From the outside, coral reefs may look like simple animals but are extremely complex on the inside. In the documentary, a group of divers, photographers, and scientists explore the causes of why coral reefs are dying off. As a result, they found that coral bleaching

  • Coral Reef Deterioration Essay

    945 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the past few decades, a major concern has arisen concerning the drastic deterioration of coral reefs. Many more people are becoming familiar with earth’s systems, as well as learning of the impact they have on coral reefs. The impacts human beings have are not always so positive, and if inappropriate exploitation continues, certain ecosystems, such as the coral reefs, may be permanently lost. In response to concerns, many environmental activist groups have stood up in a fight to preserve the

  • Coral Reef Research Paper

    962 Words  | 4 Pages

    1.) Corals are colonial organisms that are composed of individual polyps, which form coral reefs. There are three types of coral reefs; fringing, barrier, and atoll. Fringing coral reefs grow along the shore in shallow water while barrier reefs are separated from the shore by a deep lagoon. Atolls surround a lagoon and are circular. The two types of coral that make us these reefs are soft coral and hard coral. Soft corals have spiracle based skeletons while hard corals have calcium-based skeletons

  • Coral Reef Research Paper

    1346 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract- Coral reefs make up a high percentage of the biodiversity found within the ocean. Countries that have coral reefs along their coastline greatly benefit economically from the use of coral reefs. The overuse of dive sites, land based pollution, destructive fishing, and climate change coral reefs have been steadily declining. The loss of coral reefs will be felt worldwide by a reduction in billions of dollars to the world’s gross domestic product. There is a strong need for proper management

  • Ocean Acidification Of Coral Reefs

    293 Words  | 2 Pages

    affecting the coral reef. The coral reefs are threatened because there is an increase of dissolved concentrations of carbon dioxide. Threats to the coral reef due to the carbon dioxide are ocean acidification and ocean warming. Ocean Acidification is when the pH levels of the ocean decreases due to an increase of carbon dioxide. This is affecting the coral reef because over the years it “to a loss of carbonate ions, which are required for all marine calcifiers, including corals, to build their

  • Coral Reef Lab Report

    1224 Words  | 5 Pages

    responsible for a majority of the coral reef destruction occurring throughout the world. This creature consists of 13-16 arms that allow it to easily latch itself onto its prey. Crown of thorns starfish also contain a venomous spikey exterior that help protect them from predators that may be searching for an easy prey during their four to six-hour feed. These starfish consume coral by extruding its stomach and secretes emulsifying enzymes the will aid in digesting of the coral polyps and nutrients. After

  • Red Coral Culture

    1106 Words  | 5 Pages

    One fundamental characteristic of red coral that distinguishes it from other ‘gems’, is its naturally branching dendritic form. The analogies made between branching coral and trees, was a longstanding one. According to historian, CAS Williams, red coral ‘was anciently supposed to represent a tree called the T’ieh shu [tieshu], which grows at the bottom of the sea, and flowers only once a century’. This suggests a link with marine origins, as well as rarity and a supernatural nature. Further, according

  • Coral Bleaching Research Papers

    1709 Words  | 7 Pages

    It was one of the most disgusting sights I’ve ever seen,” he says. “The hard corals were dead and covered in algae, looking like they’ve been dead for years. The soft corals were still dying and the flesh of the animals was decomposing and dripping off the reef structure” (Slezak). This isn’t the sight most people would imagine when visiting the Great Barrier Reef but it is the new normal with almost 90% of the coral in the GBR containing this look (McKirdy). Instead of the previous vibrant colors