Dianne Feinstein Essays

  • Pros And Cons Of Kevin De Leon

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    Kevin de Leon faces an uphill battle in the coming California Senate election. The incumbent, Dianne Feinstein, has been a staple of California politics for over thirty years. She also has a massive fundraising advantage and is herself one of the wealthiest people in the Senate. She currently holds a 29point lead in the polls for the primary, de Leon nonetheless can mount a challenge in the general election because of California's nonpartisan blanket primary, or jungle primary. In this system, all

  • Dan White And Harvey Milk: Argumentative Or First-Degree Murder?

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    supported gay rights, while Dan White was the opposite. He was socially conservative; which means he was against gay rights. At first, Dan White and Harvey Milk got along, they talked about each other fondly and collaborated together. After Diane Feinstein is elected, Milk and White start having some arguments. On June 25, 1978, it was the event of San Francisco's Gay Freedom Day Parade. Milk delivers a speech at City Hall attacking the proposed Briggs Initiative. In the summer of 1978, Dan White falls

  • Example Of Fallacy In Speech

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    the ad hominem fallacy, and it's also said intentionally like the ad hominem fallacy. When he says, “If we allow her to take the seat any longer, she [Dianne Feinstein] will continue to do nothing!”, it's mainly an attack on Feinstein, however it can also be interpreted as a hasty generalization. It's because in the quote Martin says Dianne Feinstein would continue to do nothing if elected senator once again. Nowhere else in the speech does he provide any facts to support this, but it can be assumed

  • Barbara Boxer

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    The two senators I chose were Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. My two congressmen were Rick Allen and Alma Adam Senator Dianne Feinstein, built a reputation on an independent voice, as she works for both Democrats and Republicans. She works on making California better she has worked to build significant record of legislative accomplishments. Dianne has oversaw the nation’s 16 intelligence agencies as she was the first women in a chairman position. Has passed bills like the cybersecurity

  • Gun Control And Mass Shootings

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    assault weapons ban, like Senator Dianne Feinstein, argues for the goal of the bans is to prevent horrific mass shooting incidents, not stop the run-of-the-mill gun violence that kills multiple Americans each day. Feinstein, along with many other colleagues, introduced an assault weapons ban in the Senate after the Sutherland Springs shooting in Texas. “This bill won’t stop every mass shooting, but it will begin removing these weapons of war from our streets,” Feinstein said in a statement. “Yes, it

  • Research Paper On Harvey Milk

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    prison and a maximum sentence of seven years. Eight months. This outraged the community causing a crowd of about angry demonstrators to to march around City Hall, bang on the windows, and even start car fires. They were shouting about having Mayor Dianne Feinstein fired from her job and shouting in remembrance of Harvey Milk. Multiple people were injured during this riot. After the verdict, people such as District Attorney Joseph Freitas Jr. were apologizing for the jury’s decisions. The jury could not

  • Pros And Cons Of Torture

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    The debate on whether or not torture is an effective and morally right practice to use on other human beings has been discussed for a long time. There are two sides to every argument and fortunately, the Catholic Church and the United States government has taken the same stance on the issue. There are many different kinds of torture and reasons as to why some people see it as just punishment. Through countless hours of research; reading government legislature, the Catholic Church Catechism, several

  • The Times Of Harvey Milk By Rob Epstein And Richard Schmeichen

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    The Times of Harvey Milk, by Rob Epstein and Richard Schmeichen, is a documentary about the career and assassination of the first openly gay elected city supervisor in the city of San Francisco, California. The main emphasis on the film lies in the groundbreaking nature of Milk’s election and public service to the city of San Francisco in the 1970s before his ultimate death at the hands of his former colleague. The narrator uses film clips from Milk’s time during his several campaigns as well as

  • Post Traumatic Stress Essay

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    Stress, also known as the “fight or flight” response, alerts the body by flooding it with hormones that increase heart rate, blood pressure, and energy, when it senses danger. These hormones are linked to various diseases and disorders, including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, allergies, colds, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, violent behavior, insomnia, teeth-grinding, and jaw pain (Farrington 6). Most individuals, especially students, experience

  • Argumentative Essay: Should Assault Weapons Be Banned

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    it did. Many people agreed to these this ban. Statistics show that “77% of the American people and 66% gun owners want to put a ban on Assault weapons (Alters). So the ban didn’t really argue on some people’s views. Even Senator of California Dianne Feinstein, one of the many senators who wanted a ban on assault weapons said that “The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was effective at reducing crime and getting these military-style weapons off our streets,” (Assault Weapons). If the government once banned

  • Ap Human Geography Chapter 4 Essay

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    39 democrats and 14 republicans in the house of representative. 3- The current Governor of the State of California is Governor Jerry Brown, his political party is the Democratic Party. 4- The current U.S Senators of the State of California are Dianne Feinstein who is a democrat and Barbara Boxer who is a democrat. 5- In the 2000 Presidential election Al Gore carried the state, the popular vote was 5,861,203 for Gore and 4,567,429 for Bush. It was not close, Gore had a large advantage. 6- In the 2004

  • Gun Control Ethos Pathos Logos

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    a tragic and touchy subject for Americans, and readers will be able to relate back to the subject and feel sad about 9/11. Lastly, from ProConorg Headlines, in “Should More Gun Control Laws be Enacted”, John R. Lott Jr. states, “Even Senator Dianne Feinstein, a gun control advocate, carried a concealed gun when her life was threatened and her home attacked by the New World Liberation Front in the 1970s”. In other words the article is saying even a Senator, who is against gun control, is using a gun

  • Persuasive Essay On Edward Snowden

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    the first documents to be published by the guardian was a court order showing that the NSA was collecting the phone records of millions of the United States customers of Verizon. That order was the main talk of debates. Even though that Senator Dianne Feinstein agreed with Snowden she had to protect the dignity of the NSA and stated “This is not surveillance, it does not collect any context of any communication”. Though we all know that is not

  • The Importance Of Child Labor In The United States

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    learned the views in which people felt it would be too costly to deport Mexicans back to Mexico. Extracting them would be costly since they are deeply embedded in our economy. Mexicans are being pushed Northward by intensifying poverty. Senator Dianne Feinstein stated, “Without them, California’s agriculture would shut down.” This would lead to a drastic increase in produce prices. The Government has tried to come up with solutions; nevertheless, none of them has appeased everyone involved. President

  • California Drought

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    California has a lack of water in the recent years. According to Paul Rogers, who is the Natural Resources & Environment Writer at the San Jose Mercury News, California received less rain in 2013 than any year (“California drought: Past”). It leads to the drought in California, which is known as the most severe droughts. Drought is a deficiency in preparation over an extended period, more than one season, resulting in a water shortage causing adverse impacts on living things (“Drought”). Unfortunately

  • Gun Control: Americans Should Have The Right To Bear Arms

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    2013 felons took a survey which stated that 48% of felons did not commit crimes, if they knew that the victim was armed with a gun. Over 80% of men and women gun owners say having a position of a gun, makes them feel safer. For example in 1970 Dianne Feinstein who was a gun control advocate was threatened in her home, she had a concealed gun and used it to protect

  • Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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    Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Dylan Hockley, Madeleine Hsu, Catherine Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jesse Lewis, Ana Marquez-Green, James Mattioli, Grace McDonnell, Emile Parker, Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Avielle Richman, Benjamin Wheeler and Allison Wyatt. Who are these people you ask? These are all the children, between 6 – 7 years old, who were victim of Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. On December 14, a gunman opened fire in Connecticut

  • Essay On Discourse Community

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    these discourse communities, how I think I am connected to them and the manner in which I can be more beneficial to them. According to the article “Protect desert land by bill – or my monument designation’’ by the editorial board for the SBSUN, Dianne Feinstein has presented a nice method

  • Under-Representation Of Women In Politics Essay

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    Additionally, fundraising is an integral part of political campaigns. Although 70% of women may believe that women seeking office cannot raise funds, the opposite is true (Lawless and Fox 7). Countless women such as Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, Representative Jane Harmon, and Hillary Rodham Clinton have all been successful in raising camping

  • Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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    Some individuals believe that marijuana is good for teens because it helps them cope with stress. However it is actually leading teens to have easier access to marijuana, along with other recreational drugs. Dianne Feinstein, Senator of California, states that “Marijuana use among 12 to 17 year olds has escalated dramatically in the states that have legalized marijuana”(Daily News). Bonnie Dumanis, the District Attorney General of San Diego, also states that “If