Firefighting Essays

  • Firefighting: A Crucial Career

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    Andrew Beitler Hane English Literature 24 March 2023 Firefighting Firefighting is an extremely crucial career in every community. A firefighter may not have to go through multiple years of schooling or training to have a basic job, but with only a small amount of training, firefighters are tasked with very important and lifesaving jobs. The benefits of firefighting are undeniable for anyone who is passionate about becoming a first responder. For people who enjoy high pressure conditions, working

  • Firefighting Personal Statement

    571 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have always been drawn to careers that involve services to the community. My interest in firefighting as a potential career path has grown steadily over the past year after it was presented to me as a possibility in my tenth-grade Civics and Careers class. And I have spent a great deal of time researching and learning about the profession. One of the things that have struck me the most about firefighting is the level of dedication and commitment required. Firefighters must be willing to sacrifice

  • Argumentative Essay On Firefighting

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    There is a shortage of people wanting to be firefighters while people are quitting firefighting, some ways to fix this is incorporating ways to deal with mental health, increase the wages, and going out and teaching the public about firefighting. Background Right now in the US there is a shortage of firefighters. Many firefighters are leaving for many reasons like retirement, stress, low pay, and many other reasons. At the same time, many fire departments are struggling to recruit firefighters

  • Firefighting Organizational Culture

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    Unit 5 Writing Assignment We all know that organizational culture is one of the most influential aspects of firefighting; especially relating to our safety and prevention culture, which is—in my opinion, the part of firefighting that deserves the most of our attention, for it directly involves how we keep the community and ourselves safer. However, despite the fact that our organizational culture is so impactful on our safety and prevention practices; as well as influences the occurrences of LODDs

  • Straight Stream Nozzle Research Paper

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    more BTUs they can fight. A straight stream gives firefighters the best chance of cooling the atmosphere and extinguishing the fire. In contrast a fog nozzle uses an air infused water stream that has its purposes on scene, but doesn’t match the firefighting abilities of a straight stream nozzle. Air infused means nothing more than

  • Firefighter Career Essay

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    States firemen have been battling these fires since this country was founded. I am interested in this job because I want to go out every day and make in a difference in people's lives all across the country. Because firefighting is a dangerous job, it appeals to me very much. Firefighting would be a great job for any individual who is willing to put in the work and risk their life to help others. Becoming a firefighter is not an easy task. It is a physically demanding and dangerous job. "A firefighter

  • History Of Firefighting

    854 Words  | 4 Pages

    History of Fire Fighting Firefighting is a professionalism that requires courage, dedication and commitment from those who are involved with it. Firefighting began in ancient Egypt and spread to the West into Europe and America. The history looks at the pioneers, its evolution and the improvements innovation has brought in. Firefighting originated from ancient Egypt, with evidence of earliest accounted firefighting equipment supporting the claim. The equipment was a pump, built by Ctesibius in

  • Firefighter Research Paper

    733 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Firefighters save more than homes. They save hearts, memories, and dreams.” This quote means that their is more to being a firefighter than most people would think. In December of 2010 my house caught on fire, my family made it out safely and today we have rebuild in the same house just bigger and better. I have done a lot of research and have heard a lot about many kinds of fires that my dad has told me about when he was a fire fighter. We are very lucky to have fire fighters in our society to

  • How The State And Municipal Labor Rules Affect The Fire Department

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    To establish a safe, inclusive, and efficient work environment while assuring the delivery of effective firefighting and emergency services, personnel management must negotiate and comply with various rules and regulations. State and municipal labor rules can have an impact on fire crew management. These laws vary by jurisdiction, but they frequently control employment contracts, collective bargaining rights, working hours, overtime compensation, and other employment-related issues. Fire departments

  • Durham Fire Department Business Analysis

    514 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Durham Fire Department was first established in 1872 as a volunteer department and was comprised of 3 stations. After the great fire in 1909 that burned down City Hall, and a lack of unity between the 3 stations, the local government decided that the city should have a full staff department. Jay Percy created the first logo for the department in 1971 just after the department split from public safety to two separate departments, fire and police. The logo for the Durham Fire Department defines

  • Fire Department Research Paper

    1633 Words  | 7 Pages

    To begin with, regular services have proven useful. Waiting for the vehicle to breakdown is always unbecoming. For short-term maintenance that can be completed in one day. There are some companies that carry a full complement of firefighting tools and equipment. The department uses long-term reserves for apparatus undergoing more lengthy repairs. Long-term reserves can last from two days to several months. When these are used, the apparatus crew switches over all of their equipment

  • Overview Of Firefighter Injuries

    818 Words  | 4 Pages

    Injuries in the fire service are an unwanted constant. Every year the Nation Fire Protection agency totals these injuries compiling an extensive report in order to educate fire and emergency service personnel. “NFPA estimates that 65,880 firefighter injuries occurred in the line of duty in 2013. An estimated 29,760 (45.2%) of the all firefighter injuries occurred during fireground operations. An estimated 11,800 occurred during other on duty activities, while 12,535 occurred at non fire emergency

  • Hrmn 408/6380 Employment Law For Business Case Study

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    Law for Business Professor Dawn Murphy June 18, 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: Fire Commission FROM: DATE: June 18, 2017 SUBJECT: Recruitment Practices Recruiting and selecting the right individual for a risky, yet rewarding career in the field of firefighting can be a daunting task; however, this process is vital to the health of the department. The purpose of this memo is to discuss previous recruitment practices within the city’s Fire Department and how the practices will improve to allow for a

  • Firefighter Research Paper

    551 Words  | 3 Pages

    We need firefighters just as much as we need the military to protect our country. They also need money to maintain their apparatus. The main way fire companies get their money is through donations and fundraisers. They often put a lot of work into it and they don't get much money out of it. Because of this I propose that we make a tax. The tax money collected will go to federal fire departments. The amount of money will be decided on the amount of apparatus and the type of apparatus. If I were president

  • Criminal Justice Application Essay

    485 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are many obstacles that people face on a daily basis. These obstacles are varied depending on a person’s current situation. I would like to take a few moments to look at a person whose lifelong dream is to become a career firefighter. This person has discovered that all fire departments require you to complete an Emergency Medical Technician certification. This certification can be acquired in several different ways including online courses, in-class sessions, or on the job training from

  • A Critique Of The Science Of Muddling Through By Charles Lindblom

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    Whether or not the firefighters should have used their available equipment to put out the fire, despite the instructions of local policy, is best answered through the lens of the root theory as explained in the article “The Science of Muddling Through” by Charles Lindlblom. In this model the firefighters would have to rank their objectives by how much value they placed on each one and through that, make a decision. Perhaps their objectives are one, to put out fires and protect people and two, to

  • Essay On Firefighting

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    rescuing a teen from a car crash, or bringing a cat home to their owner after getting stuck on a tree. It all seemed great, but was I ready or would I ever be ready to see people in their worst days? It took me a whole year in college to realize that firefighting was something I did not want to pursue. Desperately looking for a new major, I started to consider teaching, but purely for selfish reasons. However, somewhere during my second year of college, there was a significant spark that led me to want

  • NFPA 25: Comparing Two Areas Of Concern To Fire

    547 Words  | 3 Pages

    the customary for periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of water based fire protection systems. A fire can be doused, either physically (firefighting) or spontaneously. Physical comprises the procedure of a fire extinguisher or a standpipe system. Spontaneous means can comprise a fire sprinkler system, a gasiform hygienic agent, or firefighting foam spray system and the importance of having an effective fire alarm system or automatic fire detection systems. Klaus (2013) explains that in

  • Personal Narrative: I Was A Firefighter

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    Fire fighting Many people in my life are firefighters. My Grandpa, he was a firefighter when my mom was a little girl. I remember her always telling me about her hearing his pager go off at night and her asking to go with him. My Grandma she wasn’t exactly a firefighter but she still worked in the house and went to all of the events. I remember going up to the firehouse every time I had a dance class next door across the railroad tracks. Sometimes we would go see her just for fun. She would always

  • Fire Academy Research Paper

    1900 Words  | 8 Pages

    scars they have received, it is apparent that danger may be present at anytime. The unfortunate story of Lieutenant John Mickel and FireFighter Dallas Begg is a testimony to that concept which should always be remembered as a learning tool in the firefighting world. May they never be forgotten. The fire service means something completely different to me now that I am in the fire academy than a couple years ago, before I even had the interest in pursuing to become a firefighter. Before