4-H started in 1902 by A. B. Graham in Clark County, Ohio. The first club was called “The Tomato Club” and the “Corn Growing Club.” The main part of the 4-H program has been the idea of practical and hands on learning. In 1892, in an effort to improve the Kewaunee County Fair. The president of the Kewaunee Fair and the superintendent of the Kewaunee county schools in Wisconsin, organized a “youth movement” which was called “Young People’s Contest Clubs”. Which supported 6,000 young farmers to
However the upside is that your many (many) little dancing flaws, which are very difficult to correct on group lessons because it is not personal, can be easily fixed before they become entrenched. Furthermore with the right teacher you can progress much quicker. Practicas: a 'practica' is the name of a social tango dance night which is specifically used
of the network of California fairs, provides an enormous return on investment both economically and socially. Fairs celebrate our history and heritage. They are an educational opportunity for youth and provide wholesome entertainment for families. 4-H and FFA programs support California’s vibrant agriculture sector. Community members of all ages enter their artwork, baked goods, photography and other homemade products in pursuit of coveted blue ribbons. Many non-profit and charity-based organizations
with a small group, while the other children work independently. For a teacher to complete a guided reading lesson they can start by grouping the children into small groups around the same reading level. The teacher chooses the grouping of each student by assessing their running records or even observations of previous guided reading lessons or listening to the students in independent reading time (Menner, 2014). There should be about 4-6 small groups in the classroom, two of the groups may even be
What exactly is 4-H? 4-H is an organization sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, established chiefly to instruct young people, originally in rural areas, in modern farming methods and other useful skills, as carpentry and home economics. 4-H is a program that started in the late 1800s, the 4-H emblem was created and changed throughout the years to what it is today, and has made many different types of advancements throughout the changing society. The roots of 4-H were started in the
My personal best leadership experience is one of the most joyful parts of my life as a young man. I love football and it was in the game of football that I got my best leadership experience, being the captain of a football team I played in. The football team was a junior team of a popular football team in Abuja. It is (put football team name) in this team I started out as a substitute for the first team. Making cameo appearances from the bench was not a joy for a football player. At a point I taught
Dear Mr. Barney and Mrs. Rachel Gottstein, How are you? It's been a long time since the last letter, I am sorry it's been a long time since I wrote to you. Summer is about to start here in Israel, it's getting hot already and all you want to do is go to the beach and relax, but before that there are many assignments that need to be done. This semester will soon be over. I took two courses: a lab in supplier's electronics, and communication foundations. The exam period will start in a month and
Have you ever gone to Orlando, Florida? Well I have, me and my family went to Disney World in Orlando, Florida and stayed in a Disney village. I’m going to be talking about what we did in Florida also what happened and how much fun we had and more. Hope you enjoy the awesome trip to Orlando Florida. On November 2, 2014 I and my family all took a vacation to Orlando Florida to go to Disney world. In the morning when we got to the airport in Dubuque, Iowa it was a long wait to get on the next flight
Christopher Paolini is an American author who began writing the highly popular Inheritance fantasy book series at the early age of fifteen. The series consists of four novels called Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance. As a young writer, Christopher Paolini faced many challenges, which he overcame through hard work and perseverance. His life story and accomplishments are impressive and inspirational. Christopher Paolini created the Inheritance book series, used persistence and innovation
Although Kermit the Frog has been around since 1955, his popularity among teenagers has surged through the emergence of memes in pop culture. Memes are funny images or videos that are spread rapidly with slight variations by internet users. This meme shows Kermit the Frog talking to his nemesis, Constantine. Constantine is dressed in a black cloak and looks like Kermit the Frog which symbolizes his inner self when it comes down to his thoughts and decisions. Constantine wants Kermit the
Volunteering for 4-H to Benefit Yourself Does anyone know what is the largest youth development organization in the United States is? 4-H… According to the 2016 Annual report done by the National 4-H council, 4-H is regarded as the largest youth development organization serving over 6 million youth in the United States with over 25 million alumni, and 600,000 volunteers. (Penn State Extension) Pretty amazing, right? For those of you who don’t know what 4-H is, here is a little background. According
Group 3C Review Group 3C did a great job presenting their article. I was able to completely understand the article with all figures and information they provided. I really liked how this group had notes under their slides that went along with what the presenter was saying. This made easier for the reader to follow. Also, this group had a lot of visuals that enhanced the aesthetics of their presentation. Personally, I would have added a theme to the slides to make it more appealing to the reader
Reflection of Module 1 I will be discussing What is Group Process and my different role(s) within the group(s) during in-class exercises. I will also discuss Reflective thinking process and Synergistic Decision Making. Group Process As described by the article What is Group Process, (Perlmutter, J. 2018). Group Process is when we observe how a group handles its communication and relationships while the group works. Dimension of Group Process include Participation, Influence, Style of Influence
Reflection: Friday Night Lights 1) What were you/your group responsible for in the preparation of Friday Night Lights? My group and I were responsible for the creation of posters and banners to be put up around the school. We spent most of the class time thinking of ways to advertise Friday Night Lights to the public; for instance, we decided to put together two different posters — one for field hockey and the other for football. Moreover, we painted a banner to be displayed by the main entrance
Index Cards, Pens & Garbage Can Group Set Up: Small group Objectives: 1. To establish trust, rapport and group cohesion (Hinson, 2015) 2. To gather a glimpse of each group member's drug/alcohol history (Jongsma, Peterson & Bruce, 2014). 3. To gather knowledge of each group member's values (Hinson, 2015). Directions: 1. Have each group member introduce themselves (Hinson, 2015). 2. Discuss and review the group guidelines and rules (Hinson, 2015). 3. Have each group member take 3 minutes to briefly
which guided questions did you choose to focus your song/video (write them out)? Why did you choose those questions? My group chose to focus on guided question number 1. Why did the Articles of Confederation need to be revised, eventually leading to the writing of the Constitution? We also chose to focus on guided question number 5. What are specifics in the Constitution? My group chose these questions because we believe that these two questions are the basic information involving the Article of Confederation
Group Experience Reflection: Answer ALL 1. Explain how you helped members of your seminar team maximize their contribution to the seminar. I helped my team members of my seminar group to maximize their contribution to the seminar by organizing their parts and evenly distributed the work. By evenly distributing the work each team member can maximize their contribution into the seminar. I helped my team members maximize their contribution by assigning responsibility that are to done at a certain
required as a group to develop a creative presentation in any manner we as a group chose identifying and demonstrating what the impact of culture has on the way we as professionals communicate in therapeutic environments. This essay will discuss my role in the presentation, identifying and discussing communication issues that may have influenced the group process. Further this essay will discuss and reflect on how this experience influenced my communication as a student midwife. My group chose to act
My Personal Group Experience: Assignment: “Homosexuality” Our group met and discussed our assignment, “Homosexuality”. I thought the way the assignments for the topics was made was fair and equitable and helped to create a diverse group with no bias towards the topics. The group met during our assigned time period and I offered to serve as facilitator to get the discussion going. Our discussion regarding the topic and the assigning of each individual discussion question evolved in what I consider
could help each other to function better as a group – both with narrowing down the subject and problem area, but not only that; we also learned ways to utilize the different individuals, in the groups, strengths and how we should help each other with our different weaknesses as well. Some of the tools should be common knowledge, but talking and hearing about it, from both the teacher as well as the group, defined the basics with which we make our group work. Roles of Individuals One really useful