Hutu Essays

  • Hutu Extremism In The Rwanda Genocide

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    explicitly between the dates of 1890 and 1994. Its intention is to qualify the argument that Hutu extremism was the primary cause of the mass killings that occurred between the Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups. This will lead into the investigation of alternate theories of what may have been factors in instigating the violence that occurred. To fully understand the scope of the argument I shall explore the foundation of Hutu and Tutsi relationships as well as investigate the international context of Rwanda in

  • The Hutu And Tutsis: The Genocide Of Rwanda

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    Before the genocide of rwanda,the country was considered the tropical switzerland. Most of the Rwandan population belong to the Hutu ethnic group, they were traditionally crop-growers. For many centuries Rwanda attracted Tutsis, they were traditionally herdsmen from northern Africa. The Hutu and Tutsis also shared their language,culture, and nationality. There have been many intermarriages between the two. Because of their agricultural roles, Tutsis tended to be landowners and Hutus the people who

  • Hutu Death Camp Rwanda Analysis

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    Survivor from a Hutu Death Camp - Rwanda, 1994: In 1994 there was a Rwandan genocide it all started from the assassination of Habyarimana which as a result ended the peace accords with Rwandan Civil war. There was an estimation between 500,000-1,000,000 killing just in 100 days! The Hutu tortured, incarcerated, starved to death, abused, and sadly many women were raped which led to HIV of the Tutsi Tribe. According to James Nachtwey, this man was a Hutu. Even though he was a Hutu he was tortured

  • Ethnic Groups In Rwanda

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    In April to July of 1994, a populous ethnic group called the Hutu slaughtered at least 800,000 people in Rwanda, Africa. Rwanda was split into three ethnic groups: The Twa, the Hutu, and the Tutsi. Majority of the people of Rwanda were Hutu, and the minority were the Tutsi. Although the Tutsi were the minority, the overall rule of the Kingdom of Rwanda were Tutsi. When Belgium received control over Rwanda, they invented an identification system to the people. The people of Rwanda were each required

  • Ethnic Dichotomy In Rwanda Genocide

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    The Hutu-Tutsi dichotomy has long been (and still remains) a major source of instability in the Great Lakes Region. More specifically, in Rwanda memories of the 1994 genocide are still visible in contemporary politics. Building on this, this paper explores the role played by ethnicity during the Rwandan genocide. Addressing this question matters if we are to understand how the current Tutsi-led regime of Paul Kagame (in power since the end of the genocide) plays upon the notion of ‘ethnic reconciliation’

  • Rwanda Genocide Essay

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    world. The Tutsi wanted retribution for the Rwandan genocide, when 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu moderates were slaughtered by the youth militia Interahamwe, ten weeks prior. As time passed, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, a Tutsi-led militia, took Rwanda back from the Hutus. Most Hutus fled to refugee camps in Zaire in fear of being persecuted. The refugee camps in Zaire attracted all types of Hutus, civilians and even Hutu militias such as Interahamwe.

  • Why Is Rwanda Historically Marginalized

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    population” term? In Rwanda, all ethnic groups have been marginalized in one or another way. For example, Hutu claimed that they have been marginalized by Tutsi for many years during the Tutsi Kingdom . By definition of the Rwandan government of “historically marginalized people”, Hutu may need emancipation. On the other hand, Tutsi claim that they have been marginalized by Hutu from 1962 during the Hutu Republics until 1994 when the country was liberated by Kagame . Thus, they also need emancipation! So

  • Hotel Rwanda Violations

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    Although, after Rwanda gained independence from Belgium, the Hutu seized power and oppressed the Tutsi. The rights to life, liberty, and security and the right to participate fully in cultural life were transgressed during the film. Those in the ethnic group, Tutsi, were persecuted and feared death due to their culture. Every citizen in Rwanda had an identity card that stated their identity which caused many conflicts. The Hutu were murdering those who were identified as Tutsi and therefore

  • Rwanda Genocide Essay

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    On the 6th of April 1994, Juvenal Habyarimana, the Hutu president who was on board his private jet, was assassinated when the jet was shot down near Kigali international Airport.1 The cause of the incident: Hutus blaming the Tutsis for killing the Hutu president, but it’s believed to be the presidents own supporters to orchestrate the attack. On April 7th, 1994, Rwanda started to report the first signs of genocide where the Hutus used radios to send out messages towards the Rwandan community.2 “Cockroaches”

  • Was The Rwanda Genocide Dbq

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    In Source B we see that the Hutu extremists backed up their massacre and killing by saying that what they were doing was an order given to them. They said that they were told to kill all the Tutsis and this made it easier for them to do it, they were not the ones who had to decide

  • Bloodbath In Nigeria

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    incredible incident happened in Rwanda; the plane flying both the Rwandan President, Juvénal Habyarimana, who was from the majority Hutu and his Hutu president of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down as it prepared to land in Kigali, the two presidents died as well as every other person on the plane. Responsibility for the attack was disputed, with both the RPF and Hutu extremists being blamed. This assassination set off a violent reaction, resulting in the Hutus ' conducting mass killings of Tutsis

  • Essay On Genocide In Rwanda

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    weren 't the only race to have suffered the Hutus fury, the Hutus also managed to kill 30% of the Pygmy Batwa. Today, the Rwandan Genocide can be categorized according to the UN Definition of Genocide, because the Hutu majority government killed

  • Tension In Rwanda

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    never died and they were looking for any opportunity to seek revenge. The airplane of the president, Cyprien Ntaryamira, a Hutu, flew over the Rwandan capital of Kigali and was shot down. Cyprien Ntaryamira did not survive the crash and the Hutus took this as an opportunity to attack. The first killings marked the start of the Rwandan Genocide and began an hour after the Hutu president's plane got shot down. The mass killings went on for about three months. According to the Survivors Fund (SURF),

  • 1994 Rwanda Genocide

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    decided punishment, as being “killers”. Thus, from a justice point of view, the reconciliation efforts are unsuccessful. This feeling of betrayal by the justice system also fosters a sense of paranoia in the Tutsi community as they will not know if the Hutu community will strike again. This ultimately affects the peace and healing process in Rwanda as victims cannot forget the crimes committed against

  • Rwanda Genocide Persuasive Essay

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    were old enough to realize that they were alone in the world because of what the past held. The results from the genocide caused hatred between the Hutus and the Tutsis’, the Tutsis’ hate the Hutu for what they did. Like if a Tutsis’ neighbor is a Hutu, they won’t talk to each other, and when Tutsi see a Hutu they will be reminded of what had happened to their relatives/family members. These past actions have created a barrier between these two groups, one that was there before but is even more prominent

  • Interethnic Conflict In Rwanda

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    reports of the 7.7 million people, 90% were Hutu, 9% were Tutsi, and 1% were Twa (Longman, 2009). This is important to note, as the largest conflict was between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Most scholars

  • Tutsis And Hutus Informative Speech Outline

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    genocide. D. Habyarimana’s E.The Hutus had killed over 800,000 people during this time almost all of them were Tutsis VI. Body Paragraph#4: Who was killing? Just rebels? Everyone? A. Everyone had been participating in killing Tutsis if they were Hutu B. Military roadblocks were set up and they killed all of the Tutsis that tried to go

  • The Eight Stages Of Genocide In Rwanda

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    In Rwanda 1994, the mass killings of Tutsi and moderate Hutu took place, which was caused by numerous aspects contributing to the tensions between the two tribes. The mass killings should be considered as a genocide, because the events in Rwanda followed the 8 stages of genocide and the mass killings also conform to the definition of genocide. However, it could be argued that it was a civil war as Tutsi rebels fought against the Hutu government to restore equality in Rwanda and neighboring Burundi

  • Ethnic Groups In The Rwanda Genocide

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    These groups were, Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. With Hutu having definite majority over the other groups with a population of 85% of the small country of Rwanda, leaving the Tutsi people with 14% and the Twa people with as little as 1%. Throughout the genocide, two of the three groups commenced in a genocide of hatred and revenge. These two groups where the Hutus and the Tutsis. Throughout the genocide most of the Twa people fled in scarce of the killers. The entire genocide began with the Hutu people wanting

  • What Role Did Colonel Oliver Play In Fighting The Rwanda Genocide

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    population. Although the Hutus and Tutsis are not considered different ethnic groups, they act as different ethnic groups. Tutsis make up the upper class, like herders; while Hutus are peasant masses, like farmers. The genocide occurred because Habyarimana, Hutu president, plane was shot down above Kigali. The Interahamwe and Rwandan Armed Forces blamed the Tutsis, and the genocide began almost immediately. One of the most controversial questions is why the United Nations didn't intervene. The UN peacekeepers