Iranian Revolution Essays

  • The Iranian Revolution

    912 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was one of the most significant and ambivalent events in the history of XX century. The abdication of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and the establishment of Islamic Republic were declared as the main results of this political phenomenon. Despite many ideological controversies, the radical Shi’a Islamist clergy and more moderate opposition parties shared the common anti-imperialist goals within the state. On the eve of revolution, they have gained the massive

  • Religion In The Iranian Revolution

    888 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Iranian revolution was surrounded by the imagery and representation of the religion Shiism Islam. The religion served as the fuel filling the revolution. “Ideology is not simply a set of ideas in people's minds or in an accomplished text. Ideology can be observed in people's attempts to formulate their strategies of action and in the activities and artifacts of its producers (Wuthnow 1989, p. 16 as cited in Moaddel, 1992).” Wherefore, ideology is best theorized using concepts, principles and

  • Islam: The Iranian Revolution

    674 Words  | 3 Pages

    Islam deals with the Iranian Revolution, which occurred in 1979. This event laid the groundwork for the Iran we know today. Like other Islamic movements, the revolution sought to reestablish Islamic principles and law. The shahs of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Raze Shah and his son Muhammad Raze Shah, transitioned Iran to secular views and ties with the west, especially the US. Though Muhammed Raze Shah did make some improvements for the Iranian people, these gains would hurt the Iranian economy and his image

  • Iranian Revolution Essay

    1545 Words  | 7 Pages

    The exclusion of Islam as a political, social and cultural force and the conversion of the Iranian monarchy into a dictatorship of the modern kind by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of the Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran during his regime ( Khomeini, 1981) had received rejections from the Iranian community and eventually resulted to the Islamic revolution which occurred in the year 1979. Although the rule under the Shah had modernise Iran and was supported by the United States and also, considered by the West

  • The Aquatic Revolution: The Iranian Islamic Revolution

    784 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Iranian Revolution was an Islamic revolution for freedom against the current king of Iran. It began in 1978 and lasted until 1979. The king, or shah, of Iran at the time was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The leader of the revolution was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, an Islamic Shia cleric. The revolution was aimed toward the brutal rule of the shah who tortured almost anyone who disagreed with his rule. The Iranian people were also angry with the United States since they had put the Shah in power and

  • Iranian Revolution Dbq Essay

    515 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hoffer. The Iranian Revolution was a time of change in Iran, occuring after the Shah had tried westernizing the country by removing certain Islamic ideals. He had tried forcing people to dress and act certain ways that might seem better than the old, but the people did not like being made to do certain things. This caused a revolt against the Shah, and implementing a new government quite similar to the one before the Shah. This revolution, called the Iranian Revolution, changed life for Iranians by having

  • Experiments With Culture: The Iranian Revolution

    1076 Words  | 5 Pages

    In 1979, a large scale revolution in Iran led to the fall of the Shah and the rise to power of a new, more religious leader: Ayatollah Khomeini. This event, later known as the Iranian Revolution, marked a drastic change in the ideals and culture of Iran. The United States, a Western country, was against the Islamic Revolution for many reasons, and had a very different perspective on this event than Iran. The contrasting American and Iranian perspectives are demonstrated by how they portray each other

  • The Iranian Revolution: Marjane's Persepolis

    1393 Words  | 6 Pages

    In the nine years following the Iranian Revolution, over 30,000 people were executed by the Iranian government as a result of their values conflicting with the conservative Islamic ideals of the new regime (McTighe). The graphic novel Persepolis explores this change in government and the conflict-ridden road leading to it through the story of a young girl named Marjane and her family. It explores how the family’s Communist values cause them to being willing to risk their lives calling for a change

  • What Are The Causes Of The Iranian Revolution

    281 Words  | 2 Pages

    Back during the Iranian revolution, there were two political parties that had separate factors leading to the revolution. The party that affected the revolution the most was the Shah dynasty, where Mohammad Shah inspired the white revolution which supported women 's rights and economical growth. While Mohammad Shah did lead his country away from Islamic idealism, he did allow for economical growth and social reform which still positively affects Iran today. The Shah dynasty had a monarchal power

  • Behind The Veil: The Iranian Revolution

    1619 Words  | 7 Pages

    The 1979 Iranian Revolution represented a resistance to westernization in efforts to restore Islamic principles. Iran during the 1970s was plagued by corruption, despotism, and repression. Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi faced massive resistance specifically by a coalition led by Muslim fundamentalists and Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini believed that “As for those who oppose us because of their opposition to Islam, we must cure them by means of guidance, if it is at all possible; otherwise, we will destroy

  • Iranian Revolution Chapter 2 Summary

    2472 Words  | 10 Pages

    Chapter# 2: Islamic Revolution and Deterioration at Nuclear Issue between 1979- 2001 This revolution also known as Iranian Revolution. In this revolution the overthrown of the Pahlavi dynasty under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States. In October1977, demonstrations against the Shah commenced. In January 1978, both secular and religious elements intensified. Ayatollah Khomeini invited back to Iran by the government. When guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops

  • Velayat-I Faqih: The Iranian Revolution

    309 Words  | 2 Pages

    the throne came to be victorious, the true motivations and intentions of the Revolution became more visible. A new style of rule had to be reached. The establishment of Velayat-i Faqih (Sharia Law) as the ultimate authority in Iran was the central objective of the Ayatollah and his followers. The Faqih would have final say in all matters facing the government and parliament. Soon after the success of the Iranian Revolution, Islamic associations in factories, offices, schools, and military bases were

  • The Main Cause Of The Iranian Islamic Revolution Of 1979

    972 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout the years, the main cause of the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 has remained under question. Various thoughts and facts have been presented by historians, however, many different events and people led to this groundbreaking revolution. However, one of the main internal factors behind it appears to be the Shah’s weaknesses. Although the Shah had many supporters, unfortunately his weaknesses have proven to be a large factor of this revolution. In this paper I will discuss how this factor

  • The Iranian Revolution In 1979

    2618 Words  | 11 Pages

    Introduction The Iranian Revolution in 1979 is regarded as one of the most influential events in the aggregate history of Iran. It was a catalyst in the history of Iran because many great changes occurred in this time period from 1979 onwards. The Iranian Revolution was a nationalist, populist, and Shi'a Islamic revolution that replaced the dictatorial monarchy with an Islamic republic. Pre-revolutionary Iran was run by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, and was called the Pahlavi dynasty, who was supported

  • Persepolis Iranian Cultural Revolution

    964 Words  | 4 Pages

    Jerry Li Mr. Holmes Honors 10th LA 02/06/2017 Comparing The Iranian Cultural Revolution to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution From 1950 to about 1990, the Iranian Cultural Revolution began to take place. Two thousand miles away, another revolution, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of China, was also beginning. These two revolutions were extremely similar in certain aspects, but even though these revolutions were only a few thousand miles away, they also had many differences. In the

  • Similarities Between Iranian And French Revolution

    375 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French Revolution is similar to the Iranian conflict because both revolutions fought for more rights, experienced economic crises, and had corrupt governments. The people of both revolutions fought for rights that they believed should be guaranteed and permanent; for example, both the Iranian conflict and the French revolution fought for more rights for women. Rising food shortages and homelessness were present in both the Iranian conflict and the French revolution; The economic crises in both

  • Women In Iranian Revolution

    556 Words  | 3 Pages

    Women and the Revolution: Warrior Sisters When the Islamic Republic of Iran was formed they did it partially thanks to the efforts of the women behind the movement. A young Marjane Satrapi describes watching the demonstrations in her novel. She depicts women standing on one side supporting the veil, while being countered by another group of women chanting for freedom (5). Women in the Iranian revolution seemed to befuddle feminist in Western civilizations. Massive numbers of Iranian women stood behind

  • Persepolis Term Paper

    1123 Words  | 5 Pages

    2023 Persepolis Research Paper Iranian women have been struggling with their identity and their lifestyle for years before the death of Masha Amini. The novel Persepolis shows a representation of a young woman, Marji coming of age in Iran. She begins to gain curiosity about the topic of femininity and wants to fight back like her parents. Marji does not fully understand the reasoning behind this strict society and it continues to unravel throughout the novel. The Iranian Society sets strict rules between

  • Persepolis Essay

    1021 Words  | 5 Pages

    Iranian Women have been struggling with their identity and their lifestyle for years before the death of Masha Amini. The Novel Persepolis shows a representation of a young woman, Marji coming of age in Iran. She begins to gain curiosity in the topic of femininity and wants to fight back like her parents. Marji doesn't not fully understand the reasoning behind this strict society and it continues to unravel throughout the novel. The Iranian Society set a strict rule between the males and females

  • Example Of Imperialism In Persepolis

    859 Words  | 4 Pages

    Satrapi’s perspective in her novel, Persepolis, is justified through the effects of the Iranian revolution, social classes, and imperialism and supports a pessimistic view of the revolution in the early 1980s. These themes constructed her opinions on the war and Iranian culture in itself. Imperialism lead to the idea of western culture being a sign of betrayal, revolution brought the harsh views of many people in Iran, and social classes plagued