Italian people Essays

  • The Madonna Of 115th Street Faith And Community In Italian Harlem

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    Italian culture is one of history, family, and religion. Italian immigrants experienced hardships all the way from the poverty in Italy to the less than welcoming established people and Catholic Church of the United States. This is illustrated in the book The Madonna of 115th Street: Faith and Community in Italian Harlem, 1880-1950 by Robert A. Orsi, referenced throughout this paper. The celebration and historical tradition of the Madonna of 115th Street reflects the Italians culture and story. As

  • Tomato Day In Looking For Alibrandi

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    experiencing what it’s like to be an Italian- Australian. A significant event in the novel that shows the experience of being an Australian is the Italian Tomato day. It is the tradition for Italian families to have tomato day this event demonstrates the experience of being Australian because it shows the reader what it’s like to have two cultures. It also shows how Italian people adapt to their culture. Looking for Alibrandi introduces Josephine Alibrandi and her Italian family celebrating a special

  • Ethnographic Project: Little Italy

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    I am learning a lot from this project. For instance, there is much more to being Italian than the typical stereotypes that we have come to know from movies, television shows and books, which makes Italians seem very loud, close to their families and traditions. This ethnographic project has not only provided me with an opportunity to learn about a new culture, but also has taught me how to interact with someone whose personality is completely opposite of mine. This was our third meeting. My partner

  • Essay On Italy Culture

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    traditions, and of course, their food. Italy is currently home to about 62 million people, and about 96% of that population is Italian. Italy’s culture has flourished for decades, and I hope to make their magnificent culture more understood through this paper. Like I stated earlier, most of the population in Italy is Italian, but, there are many other ethnicities’ that reside in Italy. According to the article, “Italian Culture: Facts, Customs & Traditions”, Italy includes “North African Arab, Italo-Albanian

  • Personal Narrative: My Ethnic Identity

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    is filled with people, and like snowflakes, each person is not the same as another. Each person identifies with different aspects of their lives to create their own personal identities. I personally identify with my Italian side of my family to help form who I am today. I have found myself connecting with this side more so than the other parts of my identity. It affects how I live my life by becoming the center to the culture surrounding me. However, my ethnic identity as an Italian American also

  • Why Is Antonio Gramsci Considered A Movement For Italian Unification

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    Antonio Gramsci, the martyred leader of Italian Communism, provided a clue to this disharmony when he wrote in the early 1930's that the very quantity of interpretations of the Risorgimento was an indication of the "inconsistency and gelatinousness" of the movement itself-of the inner weaknesses of the forces which brought the movement to a successful conclusion and the tenuousness of objectively "national" elements that provide the basic material for the historian. For him, most of these interpretations

  • Pros And Cons Of Italian Unification

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    The scaffolding of the Italian unification began with Mazzini, and was completed by Cavour. Through countries wars Piedmont supported Prussia, which in the end got them both Venetia and Rome. One of the main contradictions of the Italian unification was the lack of a sense of nationalism in Italy. Mazzini used nationalism, the idea that we are all Italians to motivate people to start a movement in support of Italian unification, but his revolution was suppressed and his chance at unification was

  • Differences In Bicycle Thieves

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    1.) Bicycle Thieves, produced by Vittorio De Sica in 1948, significantly exemplifies the art of Italian Neorealism. De Sica depicts Italy during the post era of World War Two showcasing the struggles that were prevalent during this time period such as tough economic times and the difficulties of finding decent work. The concepts displayed in Bicycle Thieves representing the ideas of Italian Neorealism completely contradict those of Classical Hollywood Cinema. One example of the differences in these

  • Italian Culture Vs American Culture Essay

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    My culture is of Italian heritage. In Italian beliefs, foods are important in the way we cook to completion. All our families meet at dinner and talk about what is going on in their lives. How the Italian culture is unique. How is the Italian culture different from American (the average pace of Italians is a lot slower than the American pace. Italian is known for taking food and leisure breaks. Italian culture is associated with the inheritor of the Roman Empire and the homeland of the Catholic

  • Art: The Influence On The Arts Of The Renaissance

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    Arts of the Renaissance The arts of the Renaissance, was the time and period that the history of it was a big meaning to that time period. In the later 14th century, the proto-Renaissance was stifled by plague and war, because Italian scholars and artists saw themselves as reawakening to the ideals and achievements of classical culture ( There were artist that were “famous” for their arts. There was Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), Michelangelo (1475-1564)

  • Essay On Northern Renaissance

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    in France, Germany as well as Netherlands. All of these nations have become to be well known as the Northern meaning North of Italy. Before 1497, a renaissance in Italy commonly termed as Italian Renaissance was not influential more so outside Italy. Immediately from the 15th Century, the ideas of the Italian Renaissance began to be spread in Europe. As it spread, it triggered and influenced the French Renaissance, German Renaissance, English Renaissance, Polish Renaissance, and Renaissance more

  • Mazzini's Successful Italian Uprisings

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    this only lasted until the Italian provinces and city-states were once again conquered by France and fell under the rule of Napoleon. Napoleon established the Kingdom of Italy, but with his downfall came the territorial provisions of the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Throughout these decades, the Italian states were greatly fragmented, and Giuseppe Mazzini played a tremendous role in their unification. Mazzini believed that a common uprising would unite the Italian people--a philosophy which was successful

  • Achieving The American Dream Analysis

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    three children, they decide to open an Italian grocery. This is an example of having pride in their heritage. When Mario Cuomo was born the Italian Grocery was full of customers waiting for many things such as “the provolone, the Genoa salami, the prosciutto, the fresh bread, the fruits and vegetables. Our store gave our neighbors a delicious taste of Italy in New York.” This example states that the grocery gave people around New York a taste of their Italian heritage. “My parents lacked the

  • Rhetoric Of Law And Order In Speech By Benito Mussolini

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    On January 3rd, 1925, Benito Mussolini gave a resounding speech to the Italian Chamber of Deputies proclaiming his authority over the government, the persecution and power of Fascism, and his move towards a dictatorship. Mussolini’s use of “macho” language and rhetoric of law and order in his speech illuminated two of the reasons for his popularity and success of the speech. By appealing to the aggressive masculinity of the Chamber and the rest of Italy, Mussolini was able to increase his popularity

  • Benito Mussolini Essay

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    have made their mark – positively and negatively. Some people have made such a profound impact that their names become immemorial. Such is the case Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator during the Second World War. His domestic and foreign policies at a time of war and turmoil that followed made him a name worthy of history books, even if these paint him in the negative light. His fascist focus and how he utilized this to manipulate Italians and the world, conveying the message that Italy no longer

  • Swot Analysis Of Eataly

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    The study will apply various theoretical models in order to highlight the overall performance of Eataly, evaluating the factors that play an important role for the success of Eataly. Eataly is an Italian market being the largest all around the world; it offers variety of food and beverages, restaurants, retail items, bakery as well as cooling school. The study will provide an overview of Eataly, and the challenges they faced while operating within the market place. Retail industry presents relation

  • Bomboloni Boss Essay

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    Bomboloni Boss is an Italian family-owned local business based in Montreal that was first opened in the summer of 2021. This business quickly became a local sensation during the pandemic where it served and continues to serve its customers with a variety of Italian style fluffy donuts consisting of a rich filling in each. The chef who is behind these heavenly delights, Chef Nando, states on his website that his bombolones are delicacies that are famous for bringing joy to any gathering which was

  • Why Was Giolitti A Good Prime Minister

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    on Italy and were successful, or wether the liberal goverment had let down the majority of the Italian population. Giolitti was part of the liberal government under a unified Italy so he had many challenges to face. Many historians might argue that Giolitti was a good prime minister and a successful one too, whilst I do not agree with this Giolitti did bring about many reforms which helped the Italian population. One reform which Giolitti introduced was opening up new banks across Italy, many

  • What Is The Difference Between Italian Food And Southern American Culture

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    Traditional New Years Day food choices in the Italian culture does not consist of many options but what they do eat are told to provide good comings for the new year. On the other hand, traditional New Years Day food choices in the Southern American culture consist of only a couple less options that is also said to provide good comings for the new year. When comparing the food choices made between the Italian and Southern American cultures on New Years Day it is clear that each culture has their

  • Giacomo Torrelli's Influence

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    The rise of the Italian Renaissance sparked the decline of Feudalism and the rise of commerce. As a result towns began to grow via urbanization and the dominance of the church was challenged. People began to study and explore the classics and encourage the teaching of Greek and Latin. Furthermore, there was rise in humanism and classicism which were the precursors to the development of Italian Literature and Drama. As Italian Literature and Drama developed Italian scenery and spectacle became