Kim Il-sung Essays

  • Kim Il-Sung: The First North Korean Dictator

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    Kim Il-Sung, a respected and beloved leader born to poor parents in Pyongyang, the heart of North Korea. He ruthlessly managed to make his way into power to become the first North Korean Dictator, by “fighting the Japanese and saving Korea from American imperialism” (Martin, 2006 p. 16). Kim was not only a leader to his people but also a father, he told the orphans of Korea “think of me your father and you my children”. (ibid 2006 p. 10) Those around him “saw him as a god, a genius from heaven who

  • North Korea Research Paper

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    the segment of Korea toward the end of World War II in 1945, and the formation of the Communist-adjusted Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) headed by the previous guerrilla pioneer, Kim Il-sung. The incomparable pioneers of the DPRK have been Kim Il-sung, his child Kim Jong-il, and his grandson Kim Jong-un. In this part they have not held predictable titles, however they were every pioneers of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK)— titled as Chairman from 1948 to 1966, General Secretary from

  • Juche In North Korea

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    the 38th parallel after World War II. North Korea operates under a communist style government and is currently lead by Kim Jong Un. Kim Il Sung, the grandfather of Kim Jong Un, was the first and “eternal ruler” of the present North Korea. Kim Il Sung used Juche, which can be translated as “self-reliance” to make his rule stronger. Juche came about from the ideals of Kim Il Sung and from the devastation of the Korean War. There are three main focuses of juche which are chaju, charip, and chawi. Each

  • North Korea Research Paper

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    North Korea: Past and Present Since its founding, North Korea has been ruled by the Kim family. Founder Kim Il-sung established a state-run socialist government that may be considered to be influenced by Stalin. After being elected as Chairman of the National Defense Commission, Kim Il-sung formed the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Pyongyang he claimed jurisdiction over all of Korea. North Korea’s regime invested an incredible amount of time and resources creating the Songbun system; a

  • Bruce Cumings: A Brief Summary

    561 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cumings discusses and argues the fact that North Korea was not a Stalinist controlled country, stating that the United States depicted their view of North Korea to the world in their personal perception. Details of Kim IL Sung’s background and the North Korean occupation that was ruled by Sung, and the South Korean occupation that was filled with collaborators. Details of the war along with atrocities on both sides are given, followed by the post war Industrial race between North and South Korea.

  • North Korea Human Rights Violations

    2571 Words  | 11 Pages

    potential difference that North Korea has that most countries of the world do not is that of a harsh totalitarian dictatorship regime. Kim Jong-un has been the head leader of this isolationist country for over four years now, and has been the ringleader for all the aggressive actions towards the western civilizations such as the US, Japan, and China. KJU or Kim Jong-un

  • 1984 George Orwell Analysis

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    torture and violence exercised by the dominant leaders to their people. In North Korea, Kim Jong Il has created concentration camps with the purpose of isolating those people who stand against the politics from the society, where he commands the guards to torture, beat, and execute the prisoners. Any and all citizens who try to transgress and escape the country are subjected to be locked in the camps because Kim Jong Il considers their attempts to be an act of disloyalty to him. In this sense, the reason

  • Nothing To Envy The Effects Of Failing Health System In North Korea

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    Doctor Kim Ji-eun's experience. Many ailments and diseases were explained in the chapter as well as the effects of the economy on the health system of North Korea. Kim Ji-eun's experience will help show the impacts of these various things on the people of North Korea. Examples of rhetoric can also be seen throughout the chapter. The impact of the economy, the famine, disease, and poor health system will be able to be explained during the examination of the personal experience of Kim Ji-eun. Kim Ji-eun

  • Unified Silla

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    years .The name "Unified Silla" is a term that likely dates after the division of Korea in 1945. However, some parts of the Goguryeo territory remained outside Silla’s control. In 660, King Munmu the Great ordered his armies to attack Baekje. General Kim Yu-shin, aided by Tang forces, defeated General Gyebaek and conquered Baekje. In 661, he moved on Goguryeo but was repelled. King Munmu was the first ruler ever to look upon the south of Korean Peninsula as a single political entity after the fall of

  • Yeonmi Park Book Report

    794 Words  | 4 Pages

    Yeonmi Park was born in Hyesan, North Korea on October 4, 1993. The year after birth, the founder, Kim ll-Sung died at the same time the Great Famine occurred. Even though Yeonmi’s father was able to keep his family from suffering the worst of the famine, Yeonmi still witnessed horrific scenes. She saw, in particular, the bodies of the people who were starving. In 2007, Yeonmi and her mother went over the border to China to search for her sister who escaped years before and her father chose to stay

  • Barbara Demick Nothing To Envy Analysis

    493 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Nothing to Envy written by Barbara Demick, the author describes North Korea as "a country that has fallen out of the developed world" (Demick 4). Through diction, Demick is attempting to demonstrate the notion that North Korea is surviving solely without interruption from the outside world. This is done by ruling the country by a totalitarian dictatorship, such as an absolute monarchy controlled by generations of the same family in pursuit of the same goal. In North Korea, each individual person

  • North Korean Freedom

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    protect people’s liberty and there are no possessions of property in North Korea, Kim Jong Un doesn’t believe in all humans being treated equally, and in the regime of North Korea the right to life is not protected North Korean government does not protect people’s liberty. It is illegal for the North Korean people to leave their

  • The 38th Parallel: The Korean War

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    The Korean War endures to the origins of the collapse of the Japanese Empire in the World War II in 1945 as Korea annexed to Japan since 1910. Thus Korea split into two while the north was invaded by the Soviet Union and the south by the United States. When, in 1947, with the request of the United Nations, before segregation, it has affirmed that the elections should be held with the observance of the UN officials. As, the Soviet Union didn’t let upon the UN observers, they were remained distinct

  • North Korea Research Paper

    868 Words  | 4 Pages

    The problem that North Korea is facing at the moment is not the fault of the people, but rather the government’s. Kim Jong­un is a communist leader who is purposefully stripping his people of their daily needs and essentials. Food, in North Korea, is a status symbol. The one who is able to receive lavish treatments and expensive food, is usually the government. However, because there is so little in North Korea, not everyone is treated equally and the only way to rise above everyone else, is to join

  • Pros And Cons Of Living In North Korea

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    that everyone but their leader cares about them, and that all other countries are evil or bad. By limiting their communications with others, no one in the country is able to stand up or disagree because they know no better. This allows for the leader Kim Jon Un to brainwash his “people” and make him look superior to all other nations because all they know is their own country.

  • North Korea A Dystopian Society

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    isolated from the rest of the world. The North Korean government controls their people in the way they dress, the way they speak, and they way that they can think. All citizens in a North Korea are forced to worship the Great Leader of the country, Kim Jong-Ill, and when they praise him they have to use specific motions and chants. This shows that even though the people in North Korea do not have free will to choose who they love and worship. It is chosen for them, by the government, and if they

  • David Wallechinsky North Korea Essay

    708 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Thesis: David Wallechinsky, a journalist for PARADE, believes that North Korea is not a threat to the U.S. Too Poor soldiers are weak/ underfed ramshackle neighborhoods behind nice ones Keeps are 15+ years old 15 year old unfinished hotel Why is it important? They don 't have enough money to take care of their country as it is, let alone fund a war. Too Oppressed/ Isolated When visiting the couldn 't walk or talk Leader’s pictures everywhere Government controls everything No technology

  • George Orwell 1984 Individuality

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    With diverse ethnicities, occupations, and ideologies, individuality is an innate part of humanity. Independent thought and reasoning is encouraged as means to a smarter and safer society. However, in the dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell, the ruling government strives to alienate humanity’s individuality in an attempt to consolidate power. Orwell depicts an oppressive society ruled by the ruling class called the Party, where Winston, an individual, struggles against the totalitarian government

  • Rhetorical Devices In Escape From Camp 14

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    Escape from Camp 14 is the true story of Shin Dong-hyuk, who is the only known person to have been born in and escape from a North Korean labor camp. After numerous interviews, the book’s author, Blaine Harden, details the reader about Shin’s life both inside and outside the camp as he assimilates into different societies. As critical information is revealed, Harden uncovers the corruption in the political landscape in North Korea. Shin’s life in Camp 14 accentuates the struggles to gain basic human

  • North Korea's Human Rights Violations

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    People in North Korea are suffering because of one leader: Kim Jong Un. Because of his ruling style, no one is allowed to speak out against him. His strategy is to stay in power until his death, and he has his own country under his control. In the USA, if the people don’t like the government, they can overthrow