No Longer at Ease Essays

  • Igbo Cultural Identity

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    The theme of No Longer at Ease (1960) epitomizes issues of cultural identity caused by colonial power in Nigeria The native Igbo people in Lagos are captivated by Englishness in daily routine making them aware of their social status and the challenge to preserve the culture. Stuart Hall points out about the cultural identity that ‘Essentialist conceptualizations of identity claim there is an authentic cultural identity, a “true self”, which “people with a shared history and ancestry hold in common”

  • Impact Of Igbo Culture On Society

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    THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON INDIVIDUALS IN CHINUA ACHEBE’S ARROW OF GOD S.Senthamarai I.M.A.English Literature TGAC,Rasipuram 9566769103

  • Okonkwo And Igbo Culture Analysis

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    Hannah Lee Mrs White AP Literature 27 October 2014 The Death of Okonkwo and Igbo Culture The classic novel Things Fall Apart, written by a Nigerian author Chinua Achebe, has accounts of the Igbo people’s ways of living until the arrival of the Europeans who bring social and cultural change to Africa. In response to the stark negative portrayal of Africa by the biased European colonialists, the author attempts to reveal both problems and beauty in the African ethics; in order to provide a sharp criticism

  • Theme Of Foils In Macbeth

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    Dakotah Guzman Mr. John Blaszczak English IV: British Literature 1st Period December 2, 2014 Macbeth Motif: Final Foils as a motif in The Tragedy of Macbeth A foil, according to our textbook, is defined as “a minor character whose attitudes, beliefs, and behavior differ significantly from those of a main character.” (Glencoe Literature British Literature 319). The motive of a foil in a book is to bring attention to the imperfections of a main character and present an idea of the main character had

  • How Does Napoleon Solidify His Power In Animal Farm

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    Have you ever lived in a society that promised many promises but always broke them? Have you ever been lied to? Animal Farm shows how the societies and rulers oppress their citizens without the citizens realising that. It also shows how rulers will always change when they are in power and only work for their personal privilege. In Animal Farm, George Orwell argues that Napoleon has solidified his power by using fear mongering, manipulation, and scapegoating. Napoleon has solidified his power by

  • Religion In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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    Religion is one of the most important things in daily lives; it affects people’s beliefs, the culture and how people behave. This is no exception to literary works either. In the novel, Things Fall Apart written by Chinua Achebe is about a man named Okonkwo who lives in the Umuofia in Africa. The story reveals the lives true lives of African culture during the time of Europeanions invading the country. Throughout the book, religion is brought up many times. It affects the people in the Ibo tribe

  • Nwoye And Change In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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    Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a story about colonials bringing Christianity and colonizing the people of Niger also known as the Ibo. Nwoye, Okonkwo’s son, is a confused child that is trying to find his way while battling the effects of two cultures. His own culture is full gods and customs, that to a Christian is utterly unethical and wrong. Nwoye realizes this and decides to join the Christians, but at a high cost. Furthermore, Achebe uses Nwoye to display how he changes as a character

  • The Role Of Equality In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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    purpose.(95). In this equality is saying that his happiness does not need any other reason to be there other than to make him happy. Equality now realize is that he does things to make him happy and to improve himself as a human his happiness is no longer determined by making his brothers happy but it is determined by making himself happy and his goals now it 's just Improvement which ultimately makes him happy. Another quote from Anthem is know

  • How Did Unoka Influence Okonkwo's Life

    2007 Words  | 9 Pages

    Q1: Explain how Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, influenced his life. A1: Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, influenced Okonkwo’s life because he had been a failure in life. Unoka was a lazy and improvident debtor. In his youth he lived a carefree life and would visit different villages and market to play on his flute and feast. However, Unoka the grown-up was a failure. He was very poor and was constantly in debt, which means that his wife and children (including Okonkwo) didn’t have much to eat. Unoka was very feminine

  • Theme Of Masculinity In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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    Throughout the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, there are many references to the protagonist’s necessity to be recognized for his masculinity. Okonkwo, the protagonist, despises his father for his unsuccessfulness, and Okonkwo is motivated to become a prosperous man. His fear of being weak determines his actions in difficult situations, which causes an internal conflict. Eventually, this fear overwhelms Okonkwo, and he commits suicide. Okonkwo’s desire to be masculine in opposition to his

  • Henrik Ibsen In A Doll's House

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    A DOLL’S HOUSE – HENRIK IBSEN In Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House, Torvald and his wife, Nora, live a middle class, conservative life with three children. Nora stays at home while Torvald works as a manager at a bank. Nora fits in a role of the little helpless wife whose husband takes care of everything. During the play, she keeps a secret from her husband that eventually leads to the destruction of her marriage. When the secret surfaces, Nora finds out what kind of man she was married to. Maybe

  • Things Fall Apart Nwoye Identity Analysis

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    The Search for Nwoye’s Identity. Our lives leads us in different directions. Nwoye at first struggled with identity, but then he found himself through Christianity. For the first time he desired something other than satisfying his father. He became a strong independent man. His true personality showed through. In some people’s cases, things fall apart, but in others, like Nwoye, he found his true purpose in life. At twelve years old, Nwoye was causing his father Okonkwo, “great anxiety for his incipient

  • Fear In Society In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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    As the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.” This is applicable to society today because it explains the role of fear in the crumbling of a society. In Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart, the Ibo people are victims of imperialism by the Europeans, and they learn to fear the invaders, as well as the change and assimilation that is being forced on the Ibo culture. The fear that the Ibo society has of the Europeans and the oppression they

  • Ikemefuna In Things Fall Apart

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    Based on the organization of the content in chapter seven of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, and his descriptions of Okonkwo’s actions, feelings and motives, readers do not sympathize with Okonkwo. Readers do not sympathize with Okonkwo because of his actions, feelings and motives. Okonkwo sees Ikemefuna as his own child and believed that it was to Ikemefuna’s credit that his actual son, Nwoye, is progressing and developing as a man. Okonkwo invites Ikemefuna to to sit in his obi, or hut within

  • Patrick C. Nnoromele's Things Fall Apart

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    Patrick C. Nnoromele’s 2000 essay from Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations reviews one of the many portrayals as to why the hero, Okonkwo, in the novel Things Fall Apart is a controversial storm, through the making of an informational text. On one hand, readers believe Okonkwo’s downfall is due to the character’s personal troubles, while on the other hand, people believe it occurred because of the invasion of colonial society within the Igbo community. However, Nnoromele believes that these two

  • Okonkwo's Dominant Narrative

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    One way the author critiques the dominant narrative about Okonkwo is by showing how he tries to cover up his feelings in order to show that he is big and bold. For example on page 61 “Okonkwo drew his machete and cut Ikemefuna down. He was afraid of being thought weak.” This emphasizes how Okonkwo was trying to cover up how he really felt about Ikemefuna. He killed him because he didn’t want to be seen as weak or as a female. Another example is “Okonkwo didn’t taste any food for two days after

  • Things Fall Apart Nwoye Essay

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    In Chinua Achebe novel, Things Fall Apart Nwoye a young man under Okonkwo’s responsibility is affected positively by the introduction of western ideas into the Ibo culture. This being said Nwoye has found a passion for being apart of a religion not known by any local in Igbo called Christianity, to some it was a blessing and to others a disgrace. To Okonkwo he feels that anybody who converts to Christianity is a disgrace to their village. And how surprising is it that his own son converts to a Christian

  • How Is Shylock Presented In The Merchant Of Venice

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    The character of Shylock is presented as a more nuanced representation than a 1600s anti-Semitic English audience would, perhaps, have expected. The anti-Semitism in the play itself is certainly present. Characters direct much hate and vitriol at Shylock not only for his (admittedly reprehensible) character, but specifically for his Jewishness. Antonio likens him to an "evil soul" and a "devil" (Shakespeare, Act 1 Sc 3, 105-110). Lancelet the servant reiterates this line of thought, saying of "the

  • A Wall Of Fire Rising Krik Krak Sparknotes

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    her lover. “ i can’t think about you being in there in the waves. My hair shivers” (Danticat 29). The attack of the macoutes and being separated from the male writer has created a sense of depression for her whether it was the fact that she is no longer safe or that her love was taken from

  • Igbo Traditions In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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    Have you ever read a novel about African cultures and traditions from African point of view? The novel Things Fall Apart, a tragedy by Chinua Achebe, centers on one tragic hero in Igbo village of Umuofia in Nigeria and the effects of European arrival on his life and Igbo clan. Throughout the novel, Achebe introduces Igbo customs to the reader by creating several occurrences and how they react on them to claim that the Igbo is civilized before the Europeans arrive. The significant difference between