Obstetric fistula Essays

  • Essay On Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned

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    Beauty Pageants Banned: How Harmful are Beauty Pageants? Imagine seeing someone make their crying eight year old go up on stage in front of everyone, with mascara starting to drip down her face and she's tripping over her enormous dress. What would other parents think? Child Beauty pageants should be banned because they most often become dangerous for a young child to be in. Growing up, most female contestants are affected their whole lives. How often would one see a young pageant contestant that

  • Recto Perineal Fistula Case Study

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    Recto perineal fistula: The operation to repair this defect is performed at birth in order to avoid cosmetic, psychological and potential obstetric consequences in the future. This operation is done before the baby leaves the hospital during the newborn period. The patient is placed in prone position with the pelvis elevated. Multiple 6/0 silk stitches are placed around the fistula site. The incision is about 1.5–2 cm long and divides the entire sphincter mechanism in the posterior midline. The

  • Maternal Mortality Essay

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    operative infections, ARDS, pulmonary embolism and maternal mortality. Different studies have quoted different incidence rates of complications associated with PP. Thorkild et al23Reports that increasing liberal use of caesarean section in modern obstetric practice adds to increasing maternal morbidity and also the incidence of placenta previa. He states that incidence of placenta previa is 5 times higher in patients with history of previous LSCSand patients with placenta previa had 6% risk of having

  • Negative Characteristics Of The Gemini Woman

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    Gemini woman negative qualities Wondering about the dark side of this female? (#5) add picture Can you imagine the scene of waking up next to a different woman every morning? This might be exciting at first but for the long term, most of you may feel nerve-wracking and stressful. It’s not that she appears with tons of faces making you scared; in fact, Gemini woman and her constantly wandering mind can put an end to her relationships. Guys find the female who’s extremely restless is difficult

  • Childbirth Examples

    1806 Words  | 8 Pages

    Childbirth: Present Day and Yesteryear The natural event of childbirth has taken place since the beginning of time and while it’s beauty has never faded the child birthing process has evolved and differed from generation to generation. The dawning of childbirth seems to be a very primitive, organic one but health of the mother and baby were more at risk. While today the child birthing process may not seem as organic and natural it is a safer, healthier beginning for the mother and baby. I have

  • Midwife Role

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    THE ROLE OF THE MIDWIFE One of the principal roles of the midwife in hypnobirthing consists in explaining the pregnant woman and her partner evidence-based information related to the gestation and childbirth in the antenatal period. According to Philips-Moore (2012), one of the principal anxieties of the expecting couples, apart from the fear associated with terrible stories heard about birth, is the named ‘fear of the unknown’. The author states that it can be enormously reduced when a professional

  • Menstrual Cycle Research Paper

    998 Words  | 4 Pages

    INTRODUCTION The most blazing feature of female reproductive system is the shedding of uterine epithelium at regular interval along with bleeding which is termed as Menstruation and the cycle of events occurring regularly is menstrual cycle.1 (A physiological cycl)e generally starts at puberty (menarche) and ends at age of 45 years (menopause). A monthly cycle which is related to ovulation and ovarian hormones. It is counted from the day on which menstrual bleeding begins. The average blood loss

  • Obstetric Nursing Essay

    1608 Words  | 7 Pages

    During the care of the obstetric (OB) patient throughout labor, delivery, and postpartum, obstetric departments work to provide safe outcomes for mothers and infants. To do so, nurses must be prepared to act upon any adverse event associated with increased maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality. However, staff are challenged to implement evidence-based practice when these events occur so infrequently. This is especially challenging for nurses who are new to obstetric care and have little,

  • Pulmonary Oedema Case Study

    981 Words  | 4 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Acute pulmonary oedema is a rare, but life-threatening problem which may cause significant morbidity and mortality in pregnant women. It may occur due to pathologies such as pre-eclampsia, sepsis, amniotic fluid embolism, fluid-overload or beta-adrenergic tocolytic drugs during the antenatal, intrapartum or postpartum periods. Moreover, pre-existing cardiopulmonary diseases may worsen due to the superimposed effects of physiological changes related to pregnancy (1). Management of these

  • Pros And Cons Of Fertility

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    Fertility is the capacity to conceive or to induce conception. INFERTILITY is the inability to conceive after one year of sexual relations without contraception, or the inability to carry pregnancy to a live birth. It affects about one in six couples of childbearing age. STELILITY is complete inability to conceive children, and is relatively rare. Free Dictionary by Farlex Humans are constantly exposed to a range of chemicals and toxins in their environment which can affect their health, including

  • Fetal Scalp Blood Lab Report

    1159 Words  | 5 Pages

    Fetal Scalp Blood Sampling- According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists11, measurements of the pH in capillary scalp blood may help to identify the fetus in distress. Procedure of fetal scalp blood sampling-25 After rupture of membranes, an illuminated endoscope is inserted through the dilated cervix and pressed firmly against the fetal scalp. The skin is wiped clean with a cotton swab and coated with a silicone gel to cause the blood to accumulate as discrete globules

  • Essay On Preeclampsia

    1274 Words  | 6 Pages

    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy contribute to significant maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia affects 5-10% of all the pregnancies and contributes to 10-15% of maternal deaths worldwide. Estimated case fatality rate due to eclampsia is 14 times higher in developing countries compared to developed countries 1,2. Preeclampsia is a multi-system disorder whose pathophysiology remains unclear

  • IVF Case Study

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    Biology Assignment Pt2 Case study IVF is a relatively new procedure that makes it possible for couples who are infertile to have children. The procedure dates back to 1978 when the first IVF baby was born on July 25. IVF is used to overcome and treat many infertility issues woman face in today’s society and with 1 in every 6 Australian couples being infertile it is an important process for many people wanting kids. IVF which stands for in Vitro Fertilization is a process in which the egg is fertilised

  • Three Delay Model

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    facility, and delay in receiving adequate care and treatment at the facility are the main contributing factor to maternal death (McCarthy & Maine; Thaddeus & Maine 1994). The framework focuses on factors that look into the interval “between onset of obstetric complications and its outcome.” It stresses that “normal” home births are taken out of this equation and delays occur in response to change delivery setting in times of emergencies;

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Prenatal Ultrasound

    772 Words  | 4 Pages

    The past 67 years, the prenatal ultrasound has been around. The prenatal ultrasound is used to ensure the health of a fetus that is developing into a baby. An ultrasound sends sound waves into the body and receives the echoing waves to make an accurate image of the baby, the placement and the sounds that are in the whom. Ultrasound can determine how far along you are, the gender of the baby, and even if the baby has a disability such as Down syndrome. Some of the information that an ultrasound can

  • Moral Distress In Nursing

    753 Words  | 4 Pages

    Moral Distress: In 1984, Andrew Jameton defined “moral distress” as a phenomenon in which one knows the right action to take, but is constrained from taking it.1There are many causes of moral distress causes and how it is manifested and it can lead to low morale among staff and in some instances can cause employees to quit their job or change their careers. Moral distress has been identified among nearly all healthcare professionals, but most studies have focused on nursing, as it was first recognized

  • Essay On Ovarian Failure

    769 Words  | 4 Pages

    Women and Premature Ovarian Failure Arielle Nguwa Ameritech College Abstract Premature ovarian failure is the loss of normal function of the ovaries before age 40. Most women after age 40 naturally lose the normal function of their ovaries, and are not able to have children. To have this ovaries fail before age 40 is abnormal, and is a condition that affects 1% of women (Maclaran, 2011). By having the ovaries to fail, they do not produce the normal amounts of the hormone estrogen, and do not release

  • The Importance Of Money In A Raisin In The Sun

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    When you have money how do you act? Many people in the world believe that being rich and having good money defines what kind of person you are. Money should not identify the kind of person you are. In A Raisin in the sun the character Walter really wants money to help him and not his family, but it should never be like that family should go first. In A raisin in the son Walter really wants to open a liquor store to help out the family, but the family really needs a new house with the insurance money

  • The Pros And Cons Of Cultural Fusion

    1515 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Technological advancement has greatly facilitated cultural fusion worldwide. Cultural fusion is the fusion of two cultures in their attributes to result in a hybrid that contains the features of the both. It is not uncommon to find cultures incorporating the features of other cultures to result in a new hybrid culture. One such noticeable influence in case of cultures is the influence of the eastern or oriental music on the western or occidental music. Since times immemorial, music has

  • Paediatric Nursing Case Study

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    The aim of this assignment is to pick one occupation and investigate the associated risks and appropriate control measures of vocational specific work issues. The occupation I have chosen for this assignment is paediatric nursing. ‘Paediatric Nurses care for children in all aspects of health care. Paediatric nurses practice in a variety of settings which include hospitals, clinics, schools, and in the home.’ (Mona, 2005). For this assignment, the topics discussed will be on noise and sound, stress