Sierra Leone Civil War Essays

  • Sierra Leone Civil War Essay

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    Introduction to Sierra Leone and its poverty situation Sierra Leone, a country located in West Africa, has long struggled with high levels of poverty and economic challenges. Despite its rich natural resources, including diamonds, gold, and iron ore, the majority of the population in Sierra Leone continues to live in poverty. Factors such as a history of colonial exploitation, political instability, and the devastating impact of a civil war have contributed to the current state of poverty in the

  • Sierra Leone Civil War Analysis

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    The world deals with the good and evil; for example, war has these two opposing sides, but is there really a good side and an evil side when they are fighting and killing each other. In 1991, the country located in Africa, called Sierra Leone was undergoing a civil war (until

  • The Role Of Failure Of The Civil War In Sierra Leone

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    Anup Shah writes about the civil war in Sierra Leone with the government on one side and the rebels (the RUF) on the other. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was once a respectable organization but soon turned corrupt and called many governments corrupt and incapable of managing diamond resources. The same war Sierra Leone had fought against the RUF had happened in Kosovo before. But, this one had 25 more times the amount of death with worse cruelties and less media coverage. The governments and

  • Sierra Leone Civil War

    984 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Sierra Leone civil war occurred in two phases, between 1991-1996 and 1997-2001, with a large scale wanton of violence. Based on media reports, Mitton (2016) highlights the description of Sierra Leone as a ‘war torn’ country. Due to the cruelty of violence highlighted during the civil war – involvement of children in atrocities and infliction of amputations upon citizen – intensified the systematic complexity (routine) of the civil war. The Sierra Leone civil war has been described in different

  • Summary Of A Long Way Gone Memoirs Of A Boy Soldier

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    Aspects of New York and Sierra Leone Discussed in A Long Way gone Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Ishmael Beah presents a sharp comparison between the life in New York and Sierra Leone in his book A Long Way gone Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. These differences are based on his own personal experiences as a native of Sierra Leone and a resident in New York. Beah was a teenage soldier in his native town during the civil war that his country faced during the 1990’s. He participated in that war as a teenage soldier

  • Symbolism In A Long Way Gone

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    A Long Way Gone. This heartbreaking true story of young Ishmael Beah’s life during the Sierra Leone civil war. When he was twelve years old, Beah's village is attacked while he is away performing in a rap group with friends. Among the confusion, violence, and uncertainty of the war, Ishmael, his brother, and four friends rush from village to village in search of food and shelter, trying their hardest to avoid the rebel soldiers. Their day-to-day life is fall of struggle and grief, wondering if

  • Book Analysis: A Long Way Gone

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    The cause of the Sierra Leone war was diamonds. Not even the civilians knew the complete story. The Blood Diamond Documentary informs people about the Sierra Leone war and it’s bloodshed, but just watching it doesn’t give you the whole truth. Child soldiers did many things wrong, but they are also victims of the war. A Long Way Gone allows people to become personally attached to the main character, Ishmael Beah, who

  • Examples Of Hope In A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    the tragic experiences Ishmael Beah had to endure during the Sierra Leone Civil War. Ishmeals reframed these events through courage, faith, and belief. A Long Way Gone the story shows that hope is an integral component of survival which is portrayed by Ishmael successfully escaping and enduring the horrific war. A Long Way Gone is Ishmael Beah’s memoir. It retracts all of the tragic events Ishmeal endured while the Sierra Leone civil war occurred. Ishmael was a child who lived an ordinary life until

  • Sierra Leone Research Paper

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    Sierra Leone is a petite country located on the west coast of Africa. Sierra Leone is bordered by Guinea, Liberia, and the Atlantic Ocean. The most common language here is Kiro; it is a mix of English and a variety of African languages. Sierra Leone has multiple large resources like diamonds, chromite, and rutile. Also Sierra Leone was home to a bloody and costly civil war. The civil war in Sierra Leone began on March 23, 1991 and lasted until January 18, 2002. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF)

  • Analysis Of A Long Way Gone: Memoirs Of A Boy Soldier

    294 Words  | 2 Pages

    The civil war in Sierra Leone has taken its toll in the 1990s. The aftermath of the destruction due to the rebels were equivalent to the actual war. Ishmael Beah, author of A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, and Mariatu Kamara, author of The Bite of the Mango, both share their personal stories of their memories in Sierra Leone. Both at just the age of 12 their lives were war filled and were forever changed. By age thirteen he was a child soldier for the Sierra Leone Armed Forces and she was

  • Essay On A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

    844 Words  | 4 Pages

    soldier during the civil war in Sierra Leone. His writings show how he went from a regular child living day to day to a violent, bloodthirsty soldier trying to survive. I enjoyed this book because Beah’s writing is honest and blunt, and he’s not afraid to describe the horrible violence and trauma he and his comrades endured as young soldiers. Despite the harsh reality of the book, Beah writes with faith and courage. A Long Way Gone is a true story about the civil war in Sierra Leone that lasted from

  • Book Report On A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    autobiographical novel that informs people about the civil war in Sierra Leone. This war caused massive destruction to the country physically and mentally. The citizens of Sierra Leone were forced to kill, starve, die, and leave their country for peace somewhere else. This novel describes the horrifying experiences a young boy, Ishmael Beah, had been through during the Sierra Leone civil war. The author used great motifs to describe the importance of war and familial love in the novel. Ishmael’s life

  • Of A Long Way Gone Memoirs Of A Boy Soldier By Ishmael Beah

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    A Long Way Gone Memoirs of a boy soldier is a memoir written by Ishmael Beah. This novel is about Ishmael's first hand experience of the Civil war in sierra leone between Mar 23, 1991 to Jan 18, 2002 .I feel  the book gave a genuine glimpse of war and how Ishmael stayed alive as a refugee and showed what he had to do in order to survive in this war. The memoir also showed the corruption of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) who with the support of the Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of

  • Book Review Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    From 1991 to 2002 Sierra Leone was terrorized by a civil war of corruption and brutality; the belligerents of such atrocities, the Sierra Leone Army (SLA) and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). This book review will analyze the story of Ishmael Beah, an eyewitness to and participant in the civil war. What once went virtually unnoticed by the outside world, is now a subject of major debates, the use of child soldiers. In Sierra Leone child soldiers were used widespread and were heavily manipulated;

  • Book Report On A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    Beah, the book details his childhood throughout the Sierra Leon civil war. The book shows how you can turn an innocent child into a killing machine. We see both sides of the warring party do this with them drugging the children, turning them against the enemy with propaganda and threatening them with death. These are the factors that made a quarter of all the soldiers within this war under the age of eighteen. Both the RUF and the Sierra Leone Army threatened anyone who did comply with death. The

  • How Does Blood Diamond A Racist Representation Of West Africa?

    1688 Words  | 7 Pages

    caused in west Africa; a civil war broke out in Sierra Leone between the government and a group of rebels, known as the RUF (Revolutionary United Front), which resulted in the burning of villages, and in the deaths of many men, women, and children. Just as Chinua Achebe argues that Heart of Darkness is a racist representation of Africans in “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness,’” I argue that Blood Diamond offers a racist representation of Sierra Leone and Africans as well; although

  • A Long Way Gone Memoirs Of A Boy Soldier By Ishmael Beah

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    War, a state of armed conflict between different nations, states, or groups. Although small, this three letter word signifies so much more than a conflict for those involved. It symbolizes the loss of hope, faith, family, a home, someone’s childhood, and most importantly the feeling of safety. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah, is an eye opener to those who have been lucky enough to escape the clutches of war. The book describes Beah’s struggle during the war in Sierra Leone

  • Themes Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    Ishmael Beah, recalls his time as an orphaned child soldier, in Sierra leone, in his memoir A long way gone. Amongst those who were moved by the memorable piece of literature, there are those who quarrel with the idea that it is a completely factual account of the events that took place in Sierra Leone and the details regarding the physical wounds he obtained. While some of the claims made against its accuracy made are valid, It does not diminish the merit of the memoir. Beah’s escapade as a child

  • A Long Way Gone By Ismael Beah

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    child soldier during the Civil War in Sierra Leone. This book explains in detail the obstacles Beah had encountered during this time. A Long Way Gone is filled with violence, tragedy, drugs, war and survival. It is a refreshing take on learning about the Civil War in Sierra Leone. This books holds firsthand information over the events that occurred. It provides evidence of the unwillingly harsh conditions and acts these young boys had to commit over the course of the war. It also describes the severe

  • The Theme Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    very big topic. Ishmael Beah writes so much about family because during his childhood and during his time as a child soldier in Sierra Leone, he had many different families. Each of these families that he belonged to had something special about them and offered him something different that also proved to be necessary for him at the time. During his time in Sierra Leone, Beah was part of his many families. His families were: his own family, a group of seven boys that he traveled with, his small squad