Thunderstorm Essays

  • Thunderstorm Research Paper

    825 Words  | 4 Pages

    However, there is actually a particular weather phenomenon that is like a combination of lightning and a volcanic eruption. Sounds pretty scary but it is actually real. It is called a dirty thunderstorm but also known as thunder volcano or volcanic lightning. It is basically a type of thunderstorm, but the lighting doesn't come from the storm clouds, instead it is actually generated within the ash cloud that comes from the volcano, which is known to be the process of charge separation According

  • Morning Ride: Storm Struck

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    A very violent thunderstorm is raging outside, but that’s not stopping this cyclist from taking his day’s journey. After gearing up and strapping the water-resistant iPhone 7 to his bike. His facial expression shows that he’s confident, fearless and determined enough to sail out into the storm knowing his iPhone won't wither away like the witch getting drenched in water. The Apple iPhone 7 ad “Morning Ride” appeals to a brave, fearless, athletic audience by using a thunderstorm, fearless expression

  • Research Paper On Hurricanes

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    to better predict and mitigate damage. The formation of a hurricane is very complex with many conditions that need to be met in order for it to properly form. A tropical thunderstorm is what starts it all. Occasionally, a few thunderstorms begin orbiting around an area of low pressure (warm area). These rotating thunderstorms are referred to as a tropical depression. If the depression increases in strength so that its winds reach 39 mph, it is classified as a tropical storm. Then, if wind speeds

  • April 14: The Cause Of Tornados In Texas

    253 Words  | 2 Pages

    outside in a gigantic thunderstorm with wind speeds up to 300 mph. Suddenly, violent, rotating columns of air extend from the sky, reaching all the way down to the ground. The funnel shaped twisters starts destroying large buildings and homes alike. They uproot trees, and vehicles race through the air for miles. These channels of intense wind are called tornados. In an average year, 1000 tornadoes are reported nationwide. On the afternoon of Friday, April 14th, a supercell thunderstorm in Texas created

  • Understanding Tornedoes

    433 Words  | 2 Pages

    This summary on what makes a tornado form. It is about the wind patterns and the how hot the wind or cold the wind must be. It is also on what a tornado needs to form or to crash down on earth. Before we get straight into how much they destroy, we have to first learn how they become a tornado in the first place. This is my science curiosity question for science 6th grade. After we are done you should really understand how tornedoes form. Tornedoes form when cold and hot air combine to make a pattern

  • Tornado Research Papers

    927 Words  | 4 Pages

    Overview I chose to research tornadoes because they are quite common where I live. Tornadoes are a destructive force of nature with wind speeds up to 300 miles per hour. The origin of the word tornado is the Spanish word for thunderstorm, tronada. Tornadoes are a type of small cyclone that occur when different air masses collide, creating a whirlwind around a low-pressure system. Most tornadoes occur in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly the United States. The central part of the United States is called

  • Most Violent Hurricane On Earth

    349 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever wondered how they form? Hurricanes form in the late summer and fall when the sun heats the ocean water to over 82 degrees fahrenheit. Most hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean start off the west coast of Africa as thunderstorms. Strong winds combine with the thunderstorms to create a tropical storm. As the storm moves over the ocean, it sucks in warm water like a vacuum which gives power to the storm. When the wind speeds reach 75 miles per hour or higher the storm becomes a hurricane.

  • Natchez Tornadoes

    1215 Words  | 5 Pages

    2014). Tornadoes create large amounts of damage and are deadly to people if they are not prepared properly. To begin, there are many causes of tornadoes. A tornado is a dangerous rotating column of air stretching from a thunderstorm cloud to the ground. Before they occur, a thunderstorm has to hit. The warm,

  • Tornado Vs Hurricane Research Paper

    688 Words  | 3 Pages

    both have rain, both have strong winds, and both have low air pressure inside the storm. More similarities are they both rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Also they both are classified as thunderstorms, and they both produce rain and wind. I could go on and on with differences and similarities. As you can tell I 've read a lot of great sources and I 've learned a lot about

  • Compare And Contrast Hurricane And Tornadoes

    417 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tornadoes and hurricanes are two different things but there can be similarities that they have. Get ready because this story involves a lot of interesting facts about tornadoes and hurricanes. Tornadoes can have winds that go up to 300 mph ( miles per hour) and it looks kind of like a funnel because it comes from a cloud called a funnel cloud. You know what is interesting? A tornado is made from hot and cold air combining together to make the tornado. When a Tornado hits they could take people's

  • Definition Essay: She Is A Storm

    1181 Words  | 5 Pages

    Is A Storm My first experience with a thunderstorm holds a valuable and sentimental moment in my life. There were dark clouds in the sky, never-ending rain that flooded the ground, howling winds, and earth-shattering thunder that made me sink into a state of terror to the point where I hid under my bed. My mother immediately told me not to hide from such a thing, because I had nothing to be afraid of. She then continued to comparing me to the thunderstorm in which I was a storm that didn’t need

  • Five Types Of Tornadoes

    994 Words  | 4 Pages

    During a violent thunderstorm, a tornado can be formed when hot and cold air mix together in the lower atmosphere. A tornado touches down on the ground, sucking up all the wind in the air. It is like a giant vacuum. The intensity of the tornado will increase to five levels. Tornadoes can touch down to the ground like a giant vacuum and cause massive destruction. Tornadoes are common in midwest, but they can happen anywhere. To start with, a supercell is a system that produces thunderstorm, and if it

  • Halloween Research Papers

    544 Words  | 3 Pages

    There was a huge storm. It hit Beach City on the day of Halloween, October 31, 1984. The day Larry the Lobster was murdered six years ago. The murderer was never found, and rumors spread like wildfire. It was a ghost! There were no footprints, or anything, and Larry was killed on Halloween. It`s obviously a ghost! Larry`s family couldn`t take all the rumors, or his death in general, so they left Beach City after Larry`s funeral was held. Soon most citizens in Beach City believed that the beach was

  • How Earthquakes Changed Our Life

    1241 Words  | 5 Pages

    earth with a great range in death tolls. Here’s a list of the few catastrophic natural disasters that have changed the lives of many on earth: Tornadoes: Tornadoes form in conjunction with thunderstorms in places where there is moist, warm air ahead of easterly-heading cold fronts. A large thunderstorm that encounters certain atmospheric conditions can produce tornadoes. Tornadoes are one of the most ferocious and fascinating natural weather phenomena. These remarkable weather patterns are famed

  • Tornadoes In Night Of The Twisters

    296 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tornadoes are the most violent storms. Spawned from powerful thunderstorms, tornadoes can cause fatalities and devastate a neighborhood in seconds as seen in the book Night of the Twisters. The Night of the Twisters is centered around Grand Island Nebraska where a first class tornado has hit them. Since Nebraska is located in Tornado Alley the majority of people were probably prepared while others were unprepared for one. Such as the main characters in the story Dan, Stacey, and Arthur. In the

  • Chrissy Warrilow: An Environmental Phenomenon

    488 Words  | 2 Pages

    They can be extremely dangerous, or just an amazing sight. Things like volcanic lightning, "As if volcanic eruptions or lightning weren’t bad enough on their own, they can sometimes come together to form volcanic lightning, also known as a dirty thunderstorm.” (8 Amazing Natural Phenomena, Lisa Winter). Using scientific tools to measure certain signs, like small shocks being sensed by today’s seismic sensors to indicate an earthquake.

  • How Does Kate Chopin Create Tension In The Storm

    1117 Words  | 5 Pages

    The word storm represents a violent disturbance of the atmosphere. Vigorous winds, large amounts of rain, thunder, lightning, and unpredictable temperatures. However, the word storm can take on various meanings when applied to life situations. Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” displays a story that focuses on two main characters, Calixta and Alcee. While the story centers around an actual storm that forces Bobinot, Calixta’s husband, from the house for an extended period of time, the inner storm that erupts

  • Conspiracy In Gian J. Quasar's Into The Bermuda Triangle

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    On the other hand, atlantic storms are very unpredictable; weather and rough waves can easily cause major destruction to ships and planes. “Weather (thunderstorms, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, high waves, currents, etc.) bad luck, pirates, explosive cargoes, incompetent navigators, and other natural and human causes are favorites among skeptical investigators” (Carroll). Nobody denies that a waterspout is a tornado except, it’s on the ocean. They can throw water from the ocean’s surface thousands

  • Causes Of Hurricane Katrina

    1071 Words  | 5 Pages

    According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), hurricanes, or tropical cyclones, are storms that usually in warm ocean waters with low vertical shears, or winds that do not change in speed as it travels up in the atmosphere. This phenomenon begins with a small distribution of rain clouds above warm sea water that eventually builds up into a tropical storm, with wind speeds reaching 63 kilometers per hour. Under the right conditions, the storm will gain rapid wind speeds of

  • How Does Kate Chopin Create Tension In The Storm

    1117 Words  | 5 Pages

    The word storm represents a violent disturbance of the atmosphere. Vigorous winds, large amounts of rain, thunder, lightning, and unpredictable temperatures. However, the word storm can take on various meanings when applied to life situations. Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” displays a story that focuses on two main characters, Calixta and Alcee. While the story centers around an actual storm that forces Bobinot, Calixta’s husband, from the house for an extended period of time, the inner storm that erupts