United Nations Essays

  • Violence Against Women In Brazil And The United Nations

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    capabilities and funding to shine a disgraceful light on the effects of violence against women, both individually and communally, while the United Nations has established three milestones and many international treaties in effort to combat the shocking effects and realities women face around the world. In effort to employ equality for all people the United Nations uses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the foundational set of principles to protect women. Furthermore, the UN also references

  • The Pros And Cons Of The United Nations

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    said: “The United Nations remains our most important global actor. … [United Nations] upholds international peace and stability.” United Nations is an international alliance that was established after the conclusion of World War II and the signing of Treat of Versailles 1919, whose structure is similar to the one of the League of Nations. United Nations came into presence on October 24th, 1945, longing to foster international cooperation and to ensure long lasting peace. The formation of United Nations

  • United Nations After Ww2

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    United Nations, commonly abbreviated as UN, was created during 1945. Some say it followed the League of Nations from World War II. Its primary goal was to be a world peacekeeping organization. The United States, along with 49 other nations, signed the charter, hoping to promote peace and human dignity. To this day, UN members collaborate and meet to resolve problems around the world. President Truman established the Truman Doctrine in March, which helped Greece and Turkey fight communist threats

  • The United Nations: Father Of Peacekeeping In Canada

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    The United Nations (UN) is a collective of countries from different nations that have come together to make peace in this world by avoiding wars. In January 1942, the name United Nations was invented by the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt and as of two months ago, its been 70 years since the United Nations was officially founded. In October 24 1945 the UN was established because the League of Nations has failed to prevent World War ll. The League of Nations was formed after World

  • How Did The United Nations Lead To Peace?

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    World War II was not known as a peaceful war, but it did lead to peace. The United Nations were created in response to such a devastating war to make sure nothing like that would happen again. The United Nations or UN was first composed by 26 nations during the Second World War who declared to continue fighting together against the Axis powers. The UN officially came into existence on October 24th 1945 right after the war had officially ended. Now days we can see the UN is helping people all around

  • The Pros And Cons Of The United Nations Security Council

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    Established in 1945 after the World War II, United Nations Security Council is the most powerful organ among the six organs in United Nations with the authorized power to issue legally binding resolutions. This council consists of 15 members, 5 Permanent Members – the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China – and 10 Non-Permanent Members voted by the UNGA for 2 years term. According to the charter, the responsibility of UNSC is to maintain international peace and security. It

  • World War II: The Most Important Role Of The United Nations

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    Since its creation after WWII, the United Nations, or UN, has served many roles throughout the world. Some of the UN’s traditional roles include maintaining peace, developing friendly relations, promoting justice and cooperation, and seeking solutions to global problems. While all of these roles help to ensure world peace and cooperation of the countries around the world, I believe that the most important role of the UN would be promoting justice and the protection of basic human rights. Since its

  • The Pros And Cons Of The United Nations Charter

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    Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter states that, "all member states shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, nor in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations” . It is therefore a unilateral agreement signed by member states against the use of force when dealing each other. World events however since the signing and ratification of the UN Charter have indicated

  • A Nation Of Immigrants: Diversity In The United States

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    melting pot’. Many people from all over the world dream of coming to ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.’ Its very existence is what people desire to be a part of. “Often referred to as ‘A Nation of Immigrants’ (Kennedy, 1959) the Unites States is far more ethnically diverse than most other nations.” (Bello, 2009) Diversity has shaped and formed America and the people who reside within it. “The vision of the nation’s founding fathers established a government

  • How Did The United Nations End To The Conflict In The Central African Republic

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    2015)   Evaluate the role of the United Nations in achieving a solution to the conflict in Central African Republic The topic of this essay will be conducted on is the role of the United Nations have taken in achieving a solution to the conflict within the Central African Republic. The first topic of this essay will be on when, what and how the conflict begun in the Central African Republic. The next topic of this essay will be the plans that the United Nations plan to use to bring an end to this

  • The Definition Of Self-Determination In The United Nations

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    territory, WW1 Allies accepted self-determination as a peace aim. President Woodrow Wilson presented the concept of self-determination in his fourteen points but failed to use it as a term. After World War II, League of Nations was formed that recognized the principle but United Nations made it its chief gal and it also carried it as clearest statement and affirmation of it. The UN Charter clarifies two meanings of the term self-determination. Firstly, a state will have the right of self-determination

  • Differences Between The Cheyenne Nation And The United States

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    and the growing nation that was imposing its will upon them. Chief Black Kettle of the Cheyenne tried to take the peaceful path when dealing with white settlers (Weiser). Kicking Bear of the Sioux fought battles to prevent displacement and oppression (Kicking). While the methods that the two used were polar opposites, the results that they achieved were very similar in regards to how they were treated and how their tribes were inevitably dealt with by the government of the United States. Chief

  • The Nation Of Mass Medi The United States During 1945-1974

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    The Nation of Mass Media The US during 1945-1974 transitioned through a period of restlessness as the traditional and the uprising views divided the country. The ideal America of the 1950s suburbia left the new generation of Americans restless by the ever-changing world around them. An absolute identity crisis swept across the nation with middle-class Americans questioning their identity, the government, and society itself by a dynamic world. Indeed, the United States was in turmoil and unrest, yet

  • George Orwell's 1984: Will The United States Become A Big Brother Nation?

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    becoming a Big Brother nation? I believe that there is two answer to this difficult question. The United States watches what we do but in a different way compared to Big Brother which just wants take and keep control over their citizens. The real question is, will the United States ever become an Orwellian country and if so in what time period? In the book of 1984 it is a ginormous prediction of how the United States will run when the technology advancements are created and the United States can go in

  • Protest Against The Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament

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    without nuclear weapons would be a far safer place than one with said weapons. Even before the creation of nuclear weapons, attempts to reduce or abolish military forces or weapons of a nation existed worldwide. Following the first World War, the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations represented international efforts at disarmament. During the World Disarmament Conference, member

  • Simulation Reflection Paper

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    The simulation provided me with an interactive way to gain insight as to how a United Nations negotiation functions by challenging myself to play the role of a United Nations stakeholder. The simulation experience impacted me most during simulation preparation, where I was required to research to research Kenyan laws, interactions with other stakeholders, where I was required to discuss goals and make compromises on proposed indicators, and the indicator voting process, where I was required to analyze

  • Raphael Lemkin: The Horrific Acts Of Genocide

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    In 1944, a new term was created by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer, to characterize the slaughtering of Jewish people. Genocide is derived from the Greek word “Genos” and the Latin word “Cide.” Genos means race or tribe while Cide is defined as killing. Lemkin combined both of the words and thus he came up with the term genocide. Genocide is defined as “any acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” (Gunter,37). There have

  • World War I And The Fourteen Points By Woodrow Wilson

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    peaceful at the moment, it hasn’t always been like this. The world got this way through many peacekeeping methods, both that succeeded and didn’t. Methods, such as The Fourteen Points and The League of Nations, were good ideas but unfortunately failed in the long run. However, some, such as the United Nations, have certainly helped to world. At the beginning of 1918, during World War I, Woodrow Wilson published The Fourteen Points. The Fourteen Points were principles for peace used to end World

  • Overpopulation In America

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    health care. Overpopulation diminishes resources in a country and increases poverty. Overpopulation in South America even impacts the United States due to the increased migration of citizens looking for a better life and a way out of the poverty of their home country. Sustainable development in South America is also important due to the fact that we, as a nation, consume many products from the region. While it might be easy to look

  • How Does The Rwanda Genocide Affected The World

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    grief event impacted other places or organizations other than Rwanda, such as the United Nations. The Rwanda Genocide not only impacted the world externally in causing damage to the country Rwanda, it also impacted the world; the reputation of the United Nations, the relationship between the two major groups of people in Rwanda and the entire perspective of the world for what is possible for humans to do. The United Nations name and reputation of peace are now stained because of