White Rabbit Essays

  • Alice In Wonderland Alice's Evidence

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    'It proves nothing of the sort! ' said Alice. 'Why, you don 't even know what they 're about! ' 'Read them, ' said the King. The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. 'Where shall I begin, please your Majesty? ' he asked. 'Begin at the beginning, ' the King said gravely, 'and go on till you come to the end: then stop. ' These were the verses the White Rabbit read:-- 'They told me you had been to her, And mentioned me to him: She gave me a good character, But said I could not swim. He

  • The Making Of Carroll's Alice In Wonderland

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    The White Rabbit is the most human of all the creatures Alice encounters in Wonderland. He sports a waistcoat and a fob, he speaks in clear grammatically correct sentences, and he is concerned with time. He is the only one besides Alice who has a sense of linear time. The rabbit first appears aboveground. He inhabits Alice’s world and as a rabbit he is a familiar creature who maintains his integrity when he descends into Wonderland. While an entire paper might be devoted to the Rabbit’s presence

  • Schizophrenia In Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland

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    due to being constantly reminded about the specific disorder. Therefore, rather than thinking negative about a person with a disorder people should try to find something positive instead. According to Berardinelli, “When she follows the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland, it is as much to escape from reality of her current situation as it to visit a new world” (1). If Alice finds treatment then she may find a better world to be in. Also, Alice is not the only person with a disorder

  • Alice Carrol: Character Analysis

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    treatment is with the White Rabbit as she even proclaims that “he took [her] for his housemaid” (Carrol 36). The White Rabbit yells at Alice in an angry voice, "Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing out here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!" (Carrol 35-3). Even though Alice knows she is being ordered to do tasks for a rabbit, she still obeys the rabbit and do whatever he tells her to do. Although Alice puts in effort to help the rabbit, she is seen as an intruder

  • Alice In Wonderland Archetypes

    998 Words  | 4 Pages

    Summary A young girl by the name of Alice had been sitting on a tree as her older sister read aloud the lessons she was to learn. Alice had noticed a rabbit who seemed to be in distress as he was franticly crying out “I’m late!’’ and followed the rabbit down a dark hole and soon lost sight of him. Alice had discovered a small, talking wooden door who had instructed her to drink a potion to which would shrink her size to fit through the door. As Alice entered the other side, she was greeted by two

  • Alice Monologue

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    bush was a rabbit. Now Alice could tell this wasn’t an ordinary rabbit. She didn’t get a good look of it but she really wanted to. Alice followed the rabbit and she noticed the rabbit was actually leading her. Then she came up to a hole against a tree. She looked down the hole and called out “Hello?”. There was no answer and she when she tried to get up to tripped

  • Where Do You Think The Suspense-Where Is Alice Going?

    858 Words  | 4 Pages

    Important descriptive words: very tired, white rabbit, a watch from his waistcoat pocket, burning with curiosity, "never once considering how in the world she was to get out again", "found herself falling" Haiku: Alice, bored and glum -5 Oh, what an odd sight she sees! -7 A rabbit runs past -5 With a gold watch in his grasp -7 Shall she follow him? -5 Oh, what a bad idea! -7 Down, down, down she falls! -5 Questions: 1. What is the genre of this selection? The genre is fiction, but also children's

  • The Journey Of Jesus Christ In The Matrix

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    mystery of transfiguration—a rite, or moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and birth." Neo’s first call of adventure was when he had to follow the ‘white rabbit. ' He had seen this in one of his dreams that he needed to follow the white rabbit and when a female who had a white rabbit tattooed on her visited him, he knew that this was certainly his call to start his adventure. Fortunately for Neo, despite the fact that he initially refused to honor the call and thus

  • The Different Differences In Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

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    Have you ever thought about what living in a world with talking animals and foods that can change your size would be like? Well, in the book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, the main character Alice falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland, a place filled with strange people, animals, and odd encounters with these characters. Some major events in this story are when Alice first finds the door to the garden, drinks the strange liquid so she would shrink, then she meets the Cheshire

  • How Does Carroll Present Alice In Wonderland

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    Alice. This young, Victorian girl who falls into a rabbit hole and doesn 't understand why she 's there, and how she 's supposed to get out of this topsy-turvy world. Carroll reveals the character of Alice by telling of her journey through the magical place called Wonderland. The first place she arrived at after falling down the rabbit hole, was a dark place, and the first thing she saw was a door (that later leads to the garden). She asks the rabbit what to do, but he just runs away, which causes

  • Still Alice Essay

    1526 Words  | 7 Pages

    The movie, Still Alice, is about a successful linguistics professor acquiring the incredibly disheartening disease known as Alzheimer’s. When she is diagnosed, she is only fifty years old and the disease is robbing her of all of the memories she has worked so hard for over the years. The disease begins destroying her memory and cognitive skills resulting in memory loss and confusion. Throughout the course of this movie, many of Alice’s behaviors can be explained with psychological principles such

  • Not A Box Analysis

    692 Words  | 3 Pages

    Not a Box by Antoinette Portis is a children’s book narrating from the viewpoint of the protagonist, a rabbit, who throughout the story indignantly attempts to convince the audience that the cardboard box he possesses is something more, something remarkable. Objectively, the work raises the question not only to children but to all people, of how the boxes that surround our imagination seem to become sturdier as people progress in age while simultaneously querying: how does creativity and perseverance

  • Still Alice Sparknotes

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    Introduction The film "Still Alice" is about Alice Howland, a well-known professor of linguistics at Columbia University who has been identified with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. The film chronicles Alice's journey as she battles the illness while attempting to maintain her relationships, memories, and profession. Throughout the movie, the audience witnesses how Alice's family, including her husband and three grown children, react to her diagnosis and how their communication evolves. In this

  • Perspective In Watership Down

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    They sleep in burrows with a multifarious of families while humans sleep in houses and with only their family. Also, rabbits eat constantly since their diet consists of only plants. Humans usually eat three times a day and consume meat, bread, and other foods rabbits don’t eat. The quote, “Most of the rabbits were feeding near the Mark holes, which were close beside the field, concealed among the trees and undergrowth bordering a lonely bridle path. A few, however

  • Argumentative Essay On Appearance Vs Reality

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    Have you ever looked at an image that has more than one figure in it? This is called an optical illusion. An example is the rabbit-duck illusion, where if you looked at the illusion from a different perspective than before, you may see the second image, a rabbit or duck. The first image you see is what our eyes perceived, and once you see both images, it is the reality of the illusion; there are two images, not just one. As you can tell from what our eyes see, perception is different from reality

  • The Nazi Holocaust In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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    The 20th century was a time of both success and sadness, triumph and tragedy, however, no event in European history has been quite as disheartening as the Nazi Holocaust, the darkest hour in European History. In less than a decade, The Nazi Party murdered well over 6,000,000 Jews. 6,000,000 mothers, children, fathers, even babies. This tragedy was justified on the grounds that the people of the Jewish population were subhuman, a burden to the Nazi regime. Similar to the Jewish population of Europe

  • Comparing The White Rabbit Chronicles And The Walking Dead

    476 Words  | 2 Pages

    People have different ideas when it comes to zombies, whether they are fast, slow, dumb, or smart. Besides having both creatures from each story go by the name of ‘zombie’, the two stories, The White Rabbit Chronicles (WRC) and The Walking Dead (TWD) are completely different in showing the people and creature in a zombie apocalypse. The story TWD is about flesh eating zombies. These zombies are merely decaying meat suits of the people they once were, no longer a friend, sibling, or parent; only

  • Essay On Anatomy Of Rabbit

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    2.1.2. Anatomy of the abdominal wall Bensley and Craigie (1948) described the anatomical structure of rabbit 's abdominal wall in their historical and heritable textbook of Bensley 's Practical Anatomy of the Rabbit. In special reference to the topographical umbilical region, the abdominal wall of rabbit is composed of 8 major structures that involve the skin, linea alba, cutaneous maximus muscle, external oblique muscle, internal oblique muscle, rectus abdominis muscle, transverse muscle and the

  • Group Conformity In The Holocaust

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    Conformity and group mentality are major aspects of social influence that have governed some of the most notorious events and experiments in history. The Holocaust is a shocking example of group mentality, or groupthink, which states that all members of the group must support the group’s decisions strongly, and all evidence leading to the contrary must be ignored. Social norms are an example of conformity on a smaller scale, such as tipping your waiter or waitress, saying please and thank you, and

  • Essay On European Rabbit

    1311 Words  | 6 Pages

    European rabbit was introduced into Australia in the 19th century. They released domesticated and undomesticated rabbits. They introduced domesticated rabbits to use for a source of meat for the new settlers. But they also introduced wild rabbits for the purpose of recreational hunting and to help the first European settlers, resettle into Australia. The presence of the European rabbit is being felt in many aspects of the Australian environment. The first aspect is that because rabbits burrow away