Ice Candy Man Character Analysis

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Partition of India was a great historical event in 1947. It was one of the most traumatic and disruptive event of twentieth century and created the serious communal conflicts that had long existed among the three main communities in Indian Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. The year 1947 is remembered for two events that occurred in India, first India gained independence and then the Independence brought the partition of India to create two newly independent nations India and Pakistan. The partition of India changed the whole geography and the scenario of the subcontinent.Partition has left unforgettable impact on people’s life. Its deep, personal meanings and its profound sense of split, engendered, differences still lives in so many people’s lives. …show more content…

She also records the multifaceted trauma women had faced during the unsettling and devastating day of partition. Each women character represents a way of life. Lenny her mother, her godmother, Shanta the Ayah is the major female voice in the novel. Women once they fall prey to men’s violence like lenny’s Ayah, cannot hope for their restitution to their families.
In every situation women has been become the target of exploitation it can be for the sake of family, honour, community and country also. The worst victims of partition were women from both the Hindus and Muslims communities because women were the only weapon for one community to make another community more aggressive. It is a continuous process for the women because they have been exploited, and are still being exploited and they will be exploited in the patriarchal society, unless they will speak against this society.
In the Ice Candy Manalmost every female character has been exploited socially, mentally, physically and at the end they doesn’t know whether their family would accept them or not. In this novel BapsiSidhwa highlights the issues of present society and how the female has suffered in the Partition era and represents the extensive featuring of women’s shared experiences of victimization in the communal riots, is complemented by a presentation of their

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