Analyzing The Quest For Proof Of The Existence Of God

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Answers to the right questions yield connections, which lead to transformational truth. Many search for proof of the existence of God or seek to answer questions about His character or provision without looking in the most obvious places. Creation, the Word and humanity itself all reveal the answers of how God makes Himself known to His people. Foundational to vocational ministry is an understanding of how God is one in relationship and how that oneness creates responsibility as the Trinity. Personally, the freedom to live in covenant and as a representative of the King is only possible through this continual revelation.
Image of God
Prior to any exploration of how God reveals Himself, we must attempt to answer the question of who is God …show more content…

“The One in whom we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28) lives and moves and has his being as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (PPT Trinitarian Foundations). According to Ephesians 2:10, “we are God’s masterpiece” made in His image, “to do good works”.
The challenge of this work is in accepting the requirement of humility. Often we try to be or do something outside God’s design. The gift of serving people comes from being able to go to them without pride. Many people, me included, have a difficult time accepting just how far God would go to serve humbly. The incomplete idea that it was humanity, in the person of Jesus; on the cross being humiliated by death is much easier to accept than the truth that it was God Himself. Limiting the promise and power of God, in this way, takes outrageous pride, which I must repent in order to be effective as a …show more content…

Likewise, the perfectionist or judgmental helper encounters the temptation to focus love on itself. Dorotheos of Gaza creates a simple analogy of climbing a ladder one rung at a time rather than attempting to fly to the top in one leap (Bondi, 1991, p. 47). As counselors, we must work cooperatively, assisting the Holy Spirit to accomplish the task of helping a person move towards “wholeness and holiness” (Benner, 2003, p. 15). Matthew 25:35 helps prioritize helping our neighbor over any other motivation and thereby prohibiting

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