Iron Deficiency Anemia Research Paper

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ABSTRACT World Health Organization reported that iron deficiency is the common nutritional disorder in the world and is the potential causes of anemia in both developing and developed countries. A complete blood count performed by hematology analyzer is a routine test to measure blood status when anemia is predicted. This analyzer is expensive, require a trained personnel to operate it and only available at the major hospital. Thus, this study aimed to develop a normal blood pattern by using density based fractionation method, named Aqueous Multiphase System (AMPS) for iron deficiency screening in future. AMPS was developed by injecting 5.6% Dextran, 7.4% Ficoll and 10.2% Polyvinyl alcohol into the microhematocrit tube. Five microliters of …show more content…

Based on World Health Organization (WHO), iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the prevalent nutritional disorder in the world. Iron deficiency anemia is a condition in which iron level is lower in the body. Thus, the body cannot get enough oxygen because of lack production of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Previously, IDA can be considered diagnose by observing the hypochromic and microcytic of erythrocytes but it can be recognized after a few weeks because of iron supplement (Dorothy F. B., & Clement A. F. 1963). Besides, red blood indices also have been used for diagnosis of IDA because of the rapid detection of iron and less painful rather than using bone marrow inspection (Hennek, Kumar, Wiltschko, Patton, Lee, Brugnara, Whitesides & Adams, 2016). The complete blood count is a test used to measure the red blood indices that are analyzing by using hematology analyzer. However, only authorized people are able to operate this analyzer. Thus, a tool is designed for a rapid early detection of IDA which by using density based fractionation …show more content…

As stated by Zimmermann & Hurrell (2007), in places that only consuming plant-based diets, the dietary intake that consists of iron is low. Furthermore, in certain countries or places also lack an equipment to detect IDA. There is a hematology analyzer but it is an expensive and only trained person can handle the analyzer. However, this analyzer only available at certain major hospitals. A tool that is simple, low-cost and rapid that has similar specificity and sensitivity results that provided by hematology analyzer are needed to overcome this problem. Thus, the aqueous multiphase system that using density based fractionation method can be used to detect IDA by separating the density of RBCs. The AMPS have properties that make it can separating the cells which it is thermodynamically stable, form insoluble phases and can be made biocompatible. Moreover, by using a fact that RBCs of microcytic or hypochromic anemia patient is lower than a normal person, the use of AMPS is design to detect IDA (Hennek et al., 2016). 1.3 Research objectives 1.3.1 General objective The general objective of this study is to develop a normal blood pattern using density based fractionation method, AMPS. 1.3.2 Specific objectives The specific objectives of this study are; a) To develop the AMPS using density based fractionation. b) To evaluate the collected

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