The Importance Of Baby Food

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While it is tempting to share your food with your fury family member, you should be aware that many of the human foods are poisonous for dogs. You should avoid ordering foods for your dog from the below menu.


Baby Food - Many people try to give baby foods especially to pups when they are not feeling well. Baby foods are not bad in general. However, you should make sure the baby food you are giving does not contain any onion powder. Also, baby foods do not contain all the necessary nutrients for a healthy dog.

Chewing Gum - Most chewing gum contains a sugar called Xylitol which has no effects on humans. However, it can cause a surge of insulin in dogs that drops a dog's blood sugar to dangerous level. If your dog eats large amount …show more content…

Avocado damages heart, lung and other tissue in dogs in addition to stomach upset, vomiting and pancreatitis.

Grapes & Raisins - Dogs usually get allergic reactions after eating grapes and raising. Dogs may experience vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, and possibly kidney failure.

Onions - Onions are dangerous for dogs. Try to avoid feeding onions (raw or cooked) to your dog. If the dog eats a small amount of onions every day for many days, it may gradually develop anemia over weeks to months.

Chives - Chives can cause hemolysis, anemia, or hemoglobinuria in your dog. Some of the symptoms of too much chives consumption include weakness, lethargy, pale mucous membranes and discolored (red to brown) urine.

Peaches - Dogs may not experience any issues if they just consume peach flesh. However, pits of peaches are toxic to dogs. They may cause your dog to experience dilated pupils, dizziness and excessive …show more content…

Dogs may experience brick red mucous membranes, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, panting, and shock.

Tomato Leaves - The leaves of a tomato plant contain the glycoalkaloids alpha-tomatine and dehydrotomatine which are toxic for dogs. Some of the symptoms of eating tomato leaves include; drooling, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting and changes in his behavior. Tremors or seizures could also occur if your pup has consumed too much tomato leaves.


Raw Fish / Fish in general - Some amount of fish in your dog's diet may not cause any issues. However, If fish are fed exclusively or in high amounts to your dog can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death.


Human vitamins - Some human vitamins can be toxic for pets, in particular those that are fat soluble like vitamins A, D and E. Also, iron tablets can damage the digestive system lining, and prove poisonous for the liver and kidneys of your dog. So, keep your vitamins away from your dog especially puppies.

Human Snacks - Some of the human snacks might use ingredients such as onion and garlic powder, raisins, chocolate which could be toxic for dogs. Try to give your furry friend snacks and treats made just for them instead of sharing

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