Becoming A Pathologists Assistant Essay

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Pathology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnostic components of disease. Pathologists tend to be the face of this field, as they are the primary physicians involved in formally diagnosing patients and kick-starting their plans of care. Pathologists’ assistants are allied health professionals that work closely with pathologists and other medical professionals, playing a critical role in health care. I have a deep fascination and respect for the human body and have enjoyed learning about its intricate functions and components throughout my education thus far. My interest in the human body, detail-oriented nature, and investigative mindset have led me to a career path of becoming a pathologists’ assistant.

The American Association …show more content…

Therefore, for pathologists’ assistants, maintaining professional integrity is not only necessary for personal success in the medical field, but also for the health and well-being of their patients. Passion is an important quality to have when working within any profession because it promotes learning. This is especially important for pathologists’ assistants because life-long learning is an intrinsic part of the profession. In addition, passionate pathologists’ assistants are likely to be more productive because they are motivated to work efficiently through time management and organization. Time management and organization are important strengths of a pathologists’ assistant because their workload is often shifting and new cases can be added unpredictably. This …show more content…

It can be difficult to understand the importance of valuing and practicing health literacy in the field of pathology, especially for pathologists’ assistants because these trained professionals do not interact directly with patients. However, pathologists’ assistants work with pathologists, who work with other medical professionals, who work with patients. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that pathologists’ assistants create a foundation of clear communication so a proper diagnosis can be made and the provider can clearly and efficiently communicate with the patient on how to best move forward. Effective communication on the part of pathologists’ assistants promotes health literacy because it allows pathologists to work more efficiently in delivering timely diagnoses to their colleagues so they can spend the time needed with the patients to properly explain what is going on and ensure the patient has a clear understanding of the status of their health. Promoting health literacy is essential in valuing patient autonomy. All health professionals need to have the well-being of their patients at the forefront of their work, even if they do not directly interact with them. The work of health care professionals is intrinsically interconnected and, therefore, these

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