Bioluminescence Research Paper

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Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by living organisms. It is a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted to light energy. Bioluminescence among chordate is restricted to prtochordates and fishes. Light producing rgans are also called luminous organs which are adaptive modifications of skin to emit light in waters. Thelight producing organs manifest considerable variations in their number and distribution over the body. Light producing organs are absent in freshwater fishes but are extensively found in some species of deep sea fishes like. angler fish (Lophiiformes) and midshipman (Porichthys plectrodon). Generally light-producing fish live in mid-water or are bottom-dwelling deep sea species. Bioluminescence …show more content…

*Generally light producing organs are located along the lateral and ventral sides of the body.of the head. * In Scopelus and Halosauropsis light producing organs are arranged in one or two rows running from head to tail (Fig. 12.12). *The light producing organs of Opostomias, are arranged in transverse bands on the body. * Porichthyes (toad fish) (Fig.12.11) bears many photophores are present along the lateral line. * Large photophores are present on elongated first fin ray of pectoral and dorsal fins in Angler fish. * Phosphoresecent organs are scattered all over the body in …show more content…

This chemical reaction can occur either within or outside of the cell. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is involved in most instances. *In bacteria, the expression of genes related to bioluminescence is controlled by an operon called the Lux operon. *The mechanism of bioluminescence is the result of chemical reactions involving a class of chemicals called luciferins ("light bringers"). The luciferin oxidizes in the presence of a catalytic enzyme (luciferase) to create light and an ineffective compound (oxyluciferin). *The bacterial luminescence reaction, which is catalyzed by luciferase, involves the oxidation of a long-chain aliphatic aldehyde and reduced flavin mononucleotide (FMNH2) with the liberation of excess free energy in the form of a blue-green light at

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