
Bringing Them Home Report: Aboriginal Australians

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RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS CAT THE BRINGING THEM HOME REPORT WAS A SIGNIFICANT EVENT FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER PEOPLES. The ‘Bringing Them Home Report’ was a significant event for the civil rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as what they experienced between 1910 to 1970 was something no human being should have to go through, The Stolen Generations suffered a great deal of traumatic experiences. On 11 of May 1995 change, had to take place as this wasn’t a lifestyle a human being should live, the inquiry period began for The Bringing Them Home Report. It was a National Inquiry that looked into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families. It was a complicated …show more content…

In 1996 he left office before the report was completed. The 25th prime minister in Australia as being John Howard was aware of the issue, he received the ‘Bringing Them Home’ report and yet rejected it. The Bringing Them Home Report had many Inquiries that set demands for the rights of Indigenous Australians, the effects of this history on peoples’ lives and Indigenous communities varied in many areas. The Inquiries showed that there were a number of common effects that varied through the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, many were left with mental and physical health problems, delinquency and behavioural problems, undermined parenting skills, loss of cultural heritage, broken families and communities and racism. It was a time for Caucasians to keep in mind that the removal policies effected generations of Indigenous people, even children who were not removed have been affected in someway, either as a community member or a child of a parent who was removed. The love that a mother and a child would share was lost through generations and it may be lost …show more content…

After Paul Keating left office and the 25th Prime minister being John Howard openly declined to apologise to the stolen generations and to, accepting the ‘Brining Them Home Report’, he strongly believed that it wasn’t his responsibility to apologise for something that he did not do but the past Prime Ministers did. On the 13th of February 2008 our 26th Prime minister being Kevin Rudd took it upon himself to take responsibility for what the past Prime ministers did to those of the stolen generations, for the lives that were damaged and for those who are still suffering from

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