
Brutus Use Of Speech In Act Three In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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Act three of Julius Caesar, a play written by William Shakespeare, is the climax of the plot. Julius Caesar has just been assassinated and so the conspirators move on to the bigger problem at hand: convincing the people of Rome that they are sacrifices not murderers. Once Brutus addresses Caesar's ambitious nature and his need to fall from power, Antony is given permission to say a few words for Caesar. Although, Antony had shaken hands with the conspirators and smiled at them he also prophesized that civil war and chaos will plague Rome. In his carefully crafted speech, Antony uses repetition as part of his rhetoric to inspire the Roman citizens into revolting against the conspirators. In a part of his speech Brutus uses repetition of the word wrong to invoke fury and anger into the hearts of the people. Antony says "O masters! If I were disposed to stir / Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, / I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, / Who, you all know, are honorable men. / I will not do them wrong. I rather choose / To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, / Than I will wrong such honorable men"(Act II, scene ii, lines 118-124). What Antony is saying here …show more content…

Antony is characterized as a party animal, and a fat guy - someone who goes with the flow. Caesar's death on act three brings out a side of Antony's character that nobody had ever anticipated before: manipulative, vengeful, and unforgiving. The conspirators decided against murdering Antony along with Caesar since they deemed him incapable of any harm. Either, Antony had been hiding this side of his or he is a dynamic character. Not only does this excerpt illustrate Antony's character, but it also embellishes Brutus's character. Brutus is a tragic hero and thus has a tragic flaw; he loves Rome too much and it ultimately leads to his downfall. His love for Rome is what got Brutus his reputation as an honorable

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