
Business: The Life And Times Of Alexander Keith

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Alexander Keith was a famous Canadian politician and brewer from Halifax. Keith’s career began at 17, when his parents sent him to his uncle in northern England to learn the brewery business (Pryke,2010). After learning the skills of the trade Keith migrated back to Halifax at the age of 22 he became the only brewer and business manager for Charles Boggs, and he later bought out Bogg’s brewery in 1820. By 1822 Keith expanded his brewery to a larger space and in 1836 he again expanded building a new brewery on Hollis street (Pryke, 2010). In 1863 he started construction on Keith Hall which was connected to his brewery (Pryke, 2010). In 1842 he served as a commissioner of public property and in 1843 was elected as mayor of Halifax (Pryke, 2010). …show more content…

Alexander Keith died in Halifax in 1873 his birthday is often marked by parties and people visiting his grave and bringing beer bottles and caps. Alexander keith and his brewery were successful because of his unique marketing tools, he was able to expand his business quickly and he entered the competition at of fewer breweries. Alexander Keith used unique marketing tools and techniques to advertise his brand. By becoming a politician and being in the public light he was able to gain great exposure for his beer. In the book The Life & Times of Alexander Keith, Nova Scotia's Brewmaster McCreath states “Mr. Keith's name has become almost a household word in Halifax and beyond,which only helped grow the ubiquity of the beer brand” (58). Mixing politics and business can be very risky because if Keith made the slightest mistake the company would have suffered because of it. Though the people of Halifax favoured Keith as a mayor so much that he was re-elected as mayor. By being well-liked among Halifax citizens he was able to promote his personal business as well. In fact Keith’s has become so synonymous with politics that in 2002 the mayor of Halifax included an invitation to visit Halifax in …show more content…

During the 1800’s there weren’t many breweries around so when Keith entered the market he was able to monopolize it since there was such little competition. Keith also entered the market at a time when drinking was at a peak. (McCreath, 110). During that time alcohol was a part of daily life some often consumed it with breakfast. Keith recognized this mass consumption amongst the population and was able to deliver to this large market. He was able to recognize that there was a high demand and a low risk associated with starting his own brewery which is why he acted quickly upon opening up his own

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