Charles Darwin's Song Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

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Who is Lucy? In 1972, a man, Donald Johanson, and his team, from the Hadar foundation in Ethiopia, discovered a fossilized skeleton of a biped creature, in which they named Lucy, from the song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” (“What Was "Lucy"? 1) This animal unrolled humanity’s evolutionary theory of the transition from quadruped apes to biped humans. Although Johanson’s find was significant, his methodology had some sufficiently great flaws. It is a bad scientific practice to start research with a desired conclusion in mind; this will lead to bias towards fitting the evidence to the desired conclusion rather than examining and analyzing the available evidence objectively. Since the publication of Charles Darwin’s “Origin of the Species,” the search for human ancestry has been ongoing for the past century. People theorized that humans came from apes. Lucy was a big addition to this theory. Lucy had the ability to walk upright like humans, while having a relatively small cranial capacity like an ape. Johanson hypothesized that Lucy would be a “missing link” between the apes and humans theory. She …show more content…

Their first discovery consisted of a few pieces of a knee bone. At first, Johanson thought the knee to belong to a baoon or monkey, but it didn’t seem like it belonged to such an animal (“In search of Human Origigins.” Nova, PBS, 3 June 1997. He sent the bones to an anatomist and part-time forensic expert, Owen Lovejoy. After examining the bone fragments, Lovejoy concluded that they appeared human; the joint could “lock”, suggesting the animal could walk upright. This was an important discovery showing an ancient bipedal creature. If the bones’ age was consistent with Johanson’s hypothesized “missing link”, it would serve as supporting evidence to his

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