
Charles Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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My research talks about Darwin's theory of evolution. However, my competitors research is about Lamarckism. Basically, we will be debating each others topics in a really polite way.
What's included?
• A quick summary of Theory of evolution.
• The details of Darwin's theory of evolution and how he has gone through this study.
• Who is Charles Darwin
• Why is this better than the topic of my competitors.
• Reasons why I believe it is better

Theory of evolution

Have you ever asked yourself why we look different than others? This has to do with evolution.By the understanding of biologists, Evolution is the change through time that occurs in populations of organisms in response to changing environments. Inside the DNA molecules …show more content…

Knowing more from Darwin's book, by means of Natural Selection. The main points of his theory are: all life came from one or a few kinds of simple organisms; new species arise gradually from preexisting species; the result of competition among species is extinction of the less fit; gaps in the fossil record account for the lack of transitional forms.

Who is Charles Darwin?
Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) an English naturalist, was the most known among the biologists of the 19th century. He made an extensive study of nature for over 20 years, especially in 1831-1836 when he went on a voyage on the famous ship “H.M.S Beagle” and explored South America, the Galapagos Islands and other islands.
He laid down a framework for the theory of evolution showing how Man evolved from lower life forms. At the time, his research and publication led to bitter controversy, but his theory of evolution and natural selection later became accepted within the scientific community. Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. He was born into a wealthy and influential family. His grandfathers included; China manufacturer Josiah Wedgwood, and Erasmus …show more content…

His theory of evolution by natural selection, first released in his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. Changes might be in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Basically, an individual organism with better adapt to its environment will easily survive and have more offspring.
Darwin's great contribution to science was that he solved this mystery of how and why evolution occurred. The answer, which he called natural selection, finally occurred to him in 1839. The essence of the idea is that those individuals born with characteristics that make them best suited for their environment are the ones most likely to survive and most likely to successfully produce offspring.
It took Darwin another 20 years to develop the evidence he felt he needed to support this idea. Darwin considered factors such as hybridism, instinct, the fossil record, geographical distribution, and embryology and neatly folded them all into his theory.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
• More individuals are produced each generation that can survive. Phenotypic variation exists among individuals and the variation is

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