
Cigarette Smoking In Indonesia

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1.1 Background
Indonesia is one of the developing countries that have high levels of consumption and production of cigarette. Variation product and price cigarettes cause Indonesia has become one of the producers and consumers cigarette the largest in the world (Anies, 2006). According to the Director of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Frans Rupang, permitting the establishment of a cigarette production is relatively easy. Now we have at least 3,800 cigarette factories, including home-based classes. The amount was the largest in the world (http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com accessed 25 April 2015).
A large number of cigarette manufacturers in Indonesia can not be separated from Indonesian consumption levels quite high. Currently, six of the ten poorest households in Indonesia have expenditures on cigarettes. Cigarette has a second priority after rice. …show more content…

Because of the smoke produced from the combustion of tobacco are not perfect. Cigarette smoke contains a number of dangerous substances such as benzene, nicotine, nitrosamines, Amen, aromatic, naphthalene, ammonia, carbon monoxide benzapirin, cyanide oxidant and others. These particles will be deposited in the respiratory tract and it is very harmful to the body. Deposits of cigarette smoke are also easily attached to objects in the room and could last until more than 3 years and keeping dangerous (http://dokita.co/blog/bahaya-merokok-bagi-kesehatan accessed on 25 April 2015).
Passive smokers are more dangerous than active smokers. Even the danger of passive smokers from the hazards of threefold active smoker. Dr Budhi Antariksa, Pulmonary Specialist from the Royal Taruma Hospital, said, as many as 25 percent of the hazardous substances contained in cigarettes goes into the body of the smoker, while 75 percent are circulating in the air that are at risk of getting into the body of people around

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