
Cinderella Ate My Daughter By Kali Holloway: Article Analysis

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The article that my group and I decided to do was “Toxic masculinity is killing men: The roots of male trauma” by Kali Holloway. Many people do not know that by saying “be a man” can cause such a huge negative impact. In this article it explains how masculinity is toxic and how it affects the life of men. In the article it reveals all the effects of masculinity, how it starts, and ways how it is shown in society. From here on I will be summarizing the article, making connections, explaining my involvement in the project and a reflection of my overall performance. Masculinity is slowing killing men; with all the pressure and expectations that man have to be a certain image, this can cause many negative effects which can lead to many dangerous and serious situations. Due to all these expectations many bad habits can form such as alcoholism, violence and workaholism. This peer pressure can cause men to have depression or engage in many risky activities that will effect there life in many negative ways, such as injuring themselves. In the article it states that “little boys are, in fact, slightly more sensitive and expressive than little girls” (Kali Holloway). Even though …show more content…

One of them was “Cinderella Ate My Daughter”. This article was about a mother and how the Disney movie Cinderella shaped her daughter. It made her daughter become the typical princess. It set expectations on how girls should be like princesses. It made girls think how they should like certain things or that they have to be a certain image. This connects to the article “Toxic masculinity is killing men: The roots of male trauma” because instead of how society is setting expectations for male this is the opposite, instead this article is talking about the expectation that have been given to females. That is how these two articles related to each other, they both had expectations for a

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