Colonialism In The Tempest Essay

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Colonialism or Realism The Tempest, by William Shakespeare, was not created for the reason most articles say it was. Most articles and journals that you read talk about how the play is on colonialism because most people don’t look deep enough into the text. I think that they are looking deep into the text, but not looking deep into their logic. If you look deeper into all of the connections of the play it shows how everything goes back to greed and selfishness of people on the island, not just colonialism. The main concept of the tempest was not to show colonialism, but instead to show what can happen when greed runs your life and takes over. One of the many ways to prove that The Tempest is not about colonialism is how the people that came to the island were conquerors looking for land, but instead were shipwrecked and forced to survive on the island. A good example of this is how no one in the play has a home other than Prospero and Caliban, if you can call what Caliban has a home. All the others on the island, that were shipwrecked, wander around the island the entire time looking for the other groups of people. The only people that try to control / take over others in the story is Prospero, Trinculo, and Stephano, if you can even count Trinculo and Stephano tricking …show more content…

Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban tried to kill Prospero out of greed, and Sebastian and Antonio try to kill Alonso. People are looking so deeply into the text that they are losing the true meaning of what is on the papers and are coming up with bizarre theories of what Shakespeare was thinking when writing this play. The sad reality is that no one will ever know what the play was really about; we may only know what we think of the play by how each person can individually interpret what they see in The

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