
Federalists And Anti-Federalists Analysis

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During the Revolutionary era, the birth of the U.S. Constitution gave way to the political divide between the two polarizing philosophies of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. After the economic pitfalls and decentralization the Articles of Confederation had left behind, action was taken to ameliorate its failures. With the creation of the Federalist party in by founder Alexander Hamilton, its members advocated for a stronger national government and defended the validity of the Constitution’s ratification. Contrarily, the Constitution was met with skepticism on behalf of the Anti-Federalists, who believed it would undermine state sovereignty and infringe upon their human rights. The two parties hailed from different socioeconomic backgrounds, …show more content…

In theory, people are meant to kept in check by a paramount authority for their best interest. In an excerpt from the Leviathan, Hobbes states, “...that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called Warre…” Government is a unifying power, an external force that placates human nature with a sense of security. Similarly, in Common Sense by Paine, “Here then is the origin and rise of government; namely, a mode rendered necessary by the inability of moral virtue to govern the world; here too is the design and end of government. Freedom and security.” Regarding the structure of government, specifically separation of powers, the Second Treatise Concerning Government, the concept of judicial, executive, and legislative branches is further explained, “First, There wants an establish’d, settled, known Law, received and allowed by common Consent to the Standard of Right and Wrong (...) Secondly, there wants a known and indifferent Judge (...) Thirdly, there often wants Power to back and support the

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