
Compare And Contrast Whigs And Democrats

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5. Compare and contrast the views of the Federalists, early Republicans (Jeffersonians), Whigs and Democrats (Jacksonians) on a.) the powers of the federal government relative to the states b.) the powers of the president relative to Congress. a.) STATES Federalists believed liberty was more secure in large republics, where government was more distant from the passions of the people and factions were larger yet weaker as a whole. They believed a bill of rights was unnecessary or even dangerous (could be construed as a finite list of rights). Further, they believed that the Constitution already limited the national government sufficiently and that state bills of rights would serve any necessary purpose in this arena. Plus, they felt …show more content…

They felt that the president’s powers should be limited by Congress. They did not like the idea of a strong executive for fear that he would be a monarch. Whigs were in favor of a stronger federal government that was dominated by Congress. They supported the supremacy of Congress over the president. Democrats (Jacksonians) promoted the strength of the presidency and executive branch at the expense of Congress. They sought to broaden the public's participation in government. They believed that voting rights should be extended to all white men and that Congress was a representation of the people. 6. Although he sometimes get ignored in FDR’s shadow, the Harry Truman Administration (1945-53) saw many important innovations and changes that shaped the modern Presidency. Discuss two of these Truman-era innovations that changed the course of the …show more content…

National Security Act of 1947 created centralized postwar national security apparatus (CIA, JCS, DoD, NSC); National Security Agency was created in 1952. The National Security Act was one of the most important pieces of legislation during the Cold War. It laid the groundwork for much of the foreign policymaking that would occur during the following 40 years of the Cold War. There were three main parts to the National Security Act. The first part allowed for streamlining and unifying the nation’s military by joining the Navy Department and War Department under the title of Department of Defense. Second, the NSA created the National Security Council (NSC) which was anticipate to be a coordinating agency, going through all intelligence received and providing the president with brief but detailed reports. Finally, the act set up the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. b. Employment Act of 1946 which created council of economic advisors and called for an annual economic report of the president. The main purpose of the Employment Act was to put the responsibility of economic stability, inflation and unemployment rates on the federal government. The act encourages the federal government to "promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power.” The act also created also the Joint Economic Committee which is composed of both senators and representatives who are to review the government's economic policy at least

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