
Comparing Truman Capote's Novels And Stories

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Truman Capote embodies the writer of a new generation as far as American Literature is concerned. His was an insecure childhood and a series of uprooting. His childhood was rather very much disturbed by the fact that his parents were divorced. His constant series of disappointments as a child made him write and think about his painful lists. His treatment of adolescence was probably made out of his own life. His novels are considered as a reflection of human lives in modern times and its repercussions in the minds of adolescents. His writings are concerned with sexuality and home erotic. A critical assessment of capote’s novels will bring to light his meticulous genius and literary glamour.
Technical terms: American Literature
Truman Capote’s …show more content…

They evoke with a shocking directness of the terrors of childhood and the vivid force and grip of dreams. His fictions are generally about lonely, loveless people – they seem too alone because they are loveless. His characters encounter strange, often offensive creatures with whom they are trapped and whom they cannot and usually do not wish to escape. Capote’s writings are set in a world of dreams from the real into the surreal, from the natural into the supernatural. They are stories whose central concern is with the theme of the alter ego. His writings are stories about people who inhabiting a world of love, live peacefully with their selves, and are even capable of transforming those around them. His characters dream. According to capote a man who does not dream is like a man who does not sweat, he stores up a lot of poison. The dreams of his characters are gentle, even happy, with none of the violent turbulence and alarming exposures of the night mere …show more content…

Holly Golightly is self sufficient, uncommitted to everything but her own need for freedom world is a wild thing. The novel describes about submerged world of childhood to the real world of people and events. Holly Golightly has not let the psychiatrist treat her dreams. She belongs to a later generation of Capote heroines who have learned to preserve their integrity by safeguarding their uniqueness. Society helplessly admires her and considers her praising at the same time. She explained that she did not want to be a movie star because it requires the sacrifice of one’s ego and she wants still to be herself. Her life of travelling is really a search for a home, a place where she and things belong together. Holly’s ideal love is simply not a sexual one, nor is it likely to be satisfied by any real human being she will meat. The ideal relationship she aspires to is appointment by the narrator’s own relationship with her: tender but distant, and consisting largely of admiration for her brilliance and strength. That Holly makes honesty to self, her guiding principle is not surprising when we remember that on the deepest level she is Capote’s narrator’s alter ego, representing for him – as Miss Bobbit did for Billy Bob-the strange, unconventional side of

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