
Comparison Matrix Analysis

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Comparison Matrix Paper

When embarking on a doctoral journey, it is important to keep an open mind and realize that the journey will lead to a whole self-transformation. During each step of the doctoral process, students will learn, grow, and change. Their ideas will be reformed as they develop into critical and analytic thinkers in their new scholarly environments. Throughout the journey, there are many contributing factors which lead to scholarly transformation, some of which may include sociocultural experiences and perceptions, developmental networks, and explanations of academic norms. Taking a deeper look at each of these elements within a doctoral environment can lead to a better understanding of how individual experiences and visions …show more content…

Weidman and Stein (2003) looked primarily at the socialization of doctoral students, their peers and their faculty in their article “Socialization of Doctoral Students to Academic Norms.” Such social and educational atmospheres were compared, and it was addressed how these atmospheres contribute to the expected academic outcomes among the doctoral learners. In the article, “Developmental Networks and Learning: Toward an Interdisciplinary Perspective on Identity Development during Doctoral Study,” Baker and Lattuca (2010) looked at developmental networks and how they contribute to the learning process and identity growth of doctoral learners. Their article looked heavily upon such networks and sociocultural perceptions as they contribute to individual professional growth. Lastly, Visser, Visser, and Schlosser (2003) discussed the development of effective critical thinking skills through district education in their article “Critical Thinking Distance Education and Traditional Education.”. The article sought to confirm whether or not scholarly thinking skills could be developed appropriately through isolation, or whether educational discovery-oriented learning environments better fit the needs of doctoral students. The learning outcomes of each environment were reflected …show more content…

Such interactions lead to greater socialization and expansion of thoughts and ideas within topics, which in turn creates more critical thinking among students. By looking into different socialization activities and opportunities to determine which practices and strategies will benefit doctoral learners the most will be important in the implementation of future, effective doctoral

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