
Court Case Of Mr. Humphrey

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Background to the Report Mr Samuel Alva Humphrey, dated of birth 29 August 1988, was referred by Ms Amanda McLean, senior principal lawyer, Crown Solicitor's Office, on behalf of the Sex Offenders and Dangerous Offenders Assessment Committee of Queensland Corrective Services. Mr Humphrey was referred for the purpose of a psychiatric risk assessment report to be prepared for that committee's consideration. To this end, Mr Humphrey was interviewed at the Wolston Correctional Centre on 18 June 2015 for an X hour period. Prior to the interview going forward, I made it clear to Mr Humphrey that I was interviewing him on behalf of Crown Law and QCS for the purpose of preparing a report. He understood that no confidentiality attached to the …show more content…

He has also repeatedly slapped her backside as she stood up to get off the couch." Subsequently, Mr Humphrey pushed into the girl's bedroom, closed the door, grabbed her and pushed her backwards onto the bed. The female victim told him to stop and kneed him in the groin. He left the bedroom and went to the lounge. The female victim joined him in the lounge. He repeatedly tried to kiss her at which time she is describe as having repeatedly punched him in the testicles. Subsequently, Mr Humphrey went outside. He was described as slumped against the victim's car. He then grabbed her in a bear hug. He carried her over to a grassed area outside the unit. The couple fell to the ground at which time Mr Humphrey allegedly bit the woman on her back three times causing her to feel pain. The victim told Mr Humphrey to let her go at which she managed to run insider her unit. Mr Humphrey chased her into the unit where he attacked her by pulling the skin at the back of her neck causing her further pain. Mr Humphrey's male associate pulled him off the woman and told him to leave the woman alone. At this time, both men left the address at which the victim locked the door and called the police. The victim received medical attention from Dr Judy Hesse who noticed tenderness and bruising on the victim's neck and a bite mark abrasion on her left shoulder. Mr Humphrey was arrested by police on 1 January

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