Critical Analysis Of Rene Descartes's Discourse On Method

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Rene Descartes is one of the most influential western philosophers. In the book, Discourse on Method, by Rene Descartes, he provided a method that he believes is essential in order to gain knowledge through science. Descartes method of doubt raised important philosophical questions concerning whether we can be sure about anything. Descartes believed that the truth could only be found through the principle of deduction and conducting critical analysis on things that are not completely certain. Descartes begins by acknowledging that everyone is equally equipped with reason and are rational animals. He also acknowledged that everyone has different opinions and reaches the truth only partially or at different levels. Descartes believes that in order to establish certainty or rationality, he must test his knowledge by doubt. Descartes believes doubt is the opposite of certainty. He places so much emphasis on doubt because he believes that if someone can doubt a belief, then it must not be certain, and therefore it is not knowledge. The role doubt played in Descartes thinking began when he created the four rules for approaching any knowledge that was slightly doubtful. The first rule was to “ never accept anything as true that I did not plainly know to be true,” the second rule was to “divide each of the difficulties,” the third rule was to start thinking from “simplelist to easier,” and the fourth rule was to be comprehensive and be “assured of having to ommit nothing”

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