Cross-Cultural Management In China Case Study

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With the increasing number of Sino-foreign cooperations and more and more Chinese enterprises investing abroad, the ability to manage cross-cultural differences becomes critical. This paper discusses the standing of cross-cultural management (CCM) in China. A study was carried out that examines cultural awareness and cognitive cultural intelligence (cognitive CQ) among undergraduate Chinese business students as well as the impact of university CCM courses on both aspects. Findings suggest that Chinese undergraduate business students are moderately well culturally aware and they exhibit an average cognitive CQ. Moreover, both parameters positively correlate with academic CCM courses. Educational cross-cultural training is thus effective in increasing students’ cultural awareness as well as cognitive CQ and should be therefore further …show more content…

Conclusions and implications
The overarching goal of this paper is to explain the importance of cross-cultural management in China and to identify cultural awareness and cognitive cultural intelligence among Chinese business students. In addition, the effects of university cross-cultural management education on cognitive cultural intelligence are examined.
In China, a rising interest in cross-cultural aspects arose during the 1980s, which intensified over time. The growing number of Sino-foreign joint ventures and cooperations in China itself contributed significantly to this. The rapidly increasing international expansion of Chinese companies supports the process of dealing with cross-cultural aspects.
Concerning cross-cultural management, there is a tendency to imply the integration of cultural issues in academic management courses not only in executive but also in undergraduate and graduate courses. Besides Hong Kong, there are currently 17 Chinese universities and schools accredited by AACSB which explicitly require the transfer of teaching cross-cultural management competencies in undergraduate and graduate degree

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