Perfect Peace Speech

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Jesus gives you His perfect peace. We know this to be true because we read it in the Bible, and we can trust the Bible to be true, because it was Jesus who inspired it. That means, He spoke to people and told them what to write.
You may have some fears and worries that bother you?
Jesus loves you and wants to take away those fears and worries.
That’s why the Bible says “perfect love casts out fear.”
Jesus is for you and not against you. He wants to see you happy and free. He wants you to have peace in your life, and for everything to be well or good for you. That’s how very much He loves you.
So talk to Jesus and ask Him to take away any fear or worry you may have.

1 John 4:18
Such love has no fear, because perfect …show more content…

That means, He loves you no matter what you do or say.
Another word for that is unconditional love. We learnt about that right back on Day 1, but it’s a good idea to remind ourselves about it.
When Jesus died on the cross for your sins, He washed all the bad sin out of your life forever, and that makes you beautiful to God.
Nothing you ever do in your life, or have ever done in your life, will change that.
It is impossible for God’s love for you to change, because of what Jesus did on the cross for you and me.
So you can now live a life full of happiness, because you know without a doubt that God loves you so very much. He thinks about you all the time, and He wants to spend time with you.
He loves it when you talk to Him, just like you talk to your best friend.

Romans 5:8
But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ (Jesus) to die for us while we were still sinners.

1. Does God’s love for me depend on me?

2. What is another word for God’s love?

3. Why does God love me?

4. Can I ever make God stop loving me?

Dear God,

Thankyou that You love me no matter what I do, and thankyou that will never ever change.

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