
Dbq Japanese Internment

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a decision that would change the lives of Japanese-Americans on February 19, 1942, two months following the Japanese bombings on Pearl Harbor. On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing the internment of over 110,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident immigrants from Japan1. Meaning that Japanese-Americans, regardless of their U.S. citizenship, were forced to evacuate their homes and businesses and then proceed to move to remote war relocation and internment camps run by the U.S. Government.
The attack on Pearl Harbor had, unfortunately, released a wave of negativity, aggression and blatant racism that some of the Non-Japanese American citizens had been holding in up until the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Non-Japanese citizens who competed with Japanese-Americans in the business place for wages were fervent supporters of the removal procedures. Quickly, Anti-Japanese sentiment became pervasive among even those who did not stand to profit instantaneously from the confiscation of property, the removal of business and labor competition2. The hatred for Japanese-Americans would eventually no longer be …show more content…

I, personally, agree with those who say that the internment of Japanese-American citizens was unnecessary and immoral. It’s never okay to force citizens to abandon all their land, jobs, belongings (etc.) and make them live in an internment camp based solely on their racial background, religion, etc. It’s a violation of their civil liberties and first amendment rights. And above all stated in the previous sentence, the internment of Japanese-Americans in the 1940’s was just unethical and

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