
Differences Between The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution

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The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution The founding of a new government was a difficult and lengthy process, although necessary to the success of our country. Through trial and error, dedication of politicians, and intense debate the American government was born. It was readily apparent that the first attempt at a constitutional document was not a resounding success. The differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution are numerous. The process of drafting and ratifying the Constitution was lengthy and many states needed to be persuaded to see the positive effects that the Constitution would bring to the country. The Articles of Confederation vs The Constitution With America at war with Britain, it quickly …show more content…

Congress had authority to negotiate foreign relations, treaties and alliances, and declare war or peace. Congress could develop and maintain an army and navy, establish a postal system, and manage Indian affairs. While they could coin money, the states were also allowed to coin their own currency. (History.com staff, 2009.). Ultimately, the states were still able to practice as individual entities regarding commerce, coin, and travel. One of the major flaws of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of ability to tax the people. “Without the power to tax or coerce states to follow the treaties it had negotiated, the Confederation Congress could not resolve the nation’s economic problems and diplomatic issues (Keene, Cornell, & O’Donnell, 2013, p.138). The states contributed revenue based on the value of privately owned land. These funds were processed through requisitions to the government, although these were rarely done in a timely manner, and the government had no authority to enforce …show more content…

This document completely changed how the government worked. It broke it into three different branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The representatives also split Congress into two separate branches, The State of Representatives and the Senate. This gave the states the power to have two Senators and the Representatives were based on the population of the state. The Constitution also put a federal court into place. Ultimately, this document strengthened the power of the government, allowing them to collect taxes, deal with foreign policies, and negotiate war. (Keene, Cornell, & O’Donnell, 2013.). The government’s power is equitably distributed with no one branch holding more than another. With the power to amend the Constitution with three-fourths of the state’s votes, this document could be adjusted as the country

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