
Discrimination In Health And Social Care Essay

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Diversity means that each and every individual is different in their own way whether its their religion, age, beliefs, sexual orientation or race and to be involved or included despite their background. You can experience diversity in every aspect of life whether its inside and outside of the workplace. There is visible and invisible form of diversity, visible being race, age and gender and invisible being a person’s religion, sexual orientation or beliefs.
Equality means treating everyone equally and respectfully according to their own personal needs and beliefs. Equality is about promoting person centred care and equal opportunities as well regardless of a person’s age, gender, race, beliefs or disabilities.
Inclusion means …show more content…

An example of discrimination could be a care giver treating a service user differently due to a condition they may have or treating them poorly because of a mental or physical condition or disability.
Discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work place setting from an individual being treated differently or unfairly due to their race, religion, gender, or age. This could be from care givers not wanting to work with someone due to their age whether their younger or older and not being able to socialise or get on with them because of a possible age gap or someone not wanting to work in a certain area of a care home due to there being possible challenging behaviour due to there being dementia or a mental capacity restriction or even a disability.

Practices that support diversity, equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination by treating individuals fairly that meet their needs and giving them person centred care as well as respecting their choices and beliefs. Care givers should follow policies and procedures and should also check the individuals care plans that they care for to get a better sense and understanding about the individual and see what their needs and preferences may …show more content…

Care givers should also have an understanding of their company’s policies and procedures as well as have knowledge of the MCA (mental capacity act) and the human capacity act. The care home manager will be able to provide any policies and procedures that the company have as well as be able to provide information on the equality act, human capacity act and the mental capacity act.
If you witness discrimination then you should inform your manager or if your manager is not available then your senior member of staff i.e. team leader or senior. If the person who discriminated done it unintentionally then you should speak to the individual about it and help them reflect on their actions and work practices to help them improve as well as looking back at your own ways of working and work practices to see if improvements may be needed or any additional training that may be needed.
Sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion could be found from your manager or even co-workers as they may be able to give you advice and support. You can also speak to CQC (care quality commissions) as they will have rules and regulations. You can also source information or advice

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