
Discrimination Of African Americans In The 1920's

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Between 1885 and 1915, racism was rampant in America. White supremacy was the popular view of the time, and African-Americans were deemed ignorant and inferior. This dark era of American history was oppressive for the poor, uneducated Africans attempting to peacefully coexist and recover from their prior years of slavery. However, many issues during this time proved to be substantial roadblocks on the way to racial equality. Relations between the Africans and Caucasians were incredibly negative; blacks were victims of constant discrimination and abuse. Segregation became a way of life after the Plessy v. Ferguson act was passed. The act claimed that all facilities would be "separate, but equal" for blacks and whites. However, African-American facilities were often run-down and horribly cheap compared to those of their white counterparts. Discrimination against black voters was also a major issue of the time. Many white supremacists believed that the African-Americans lacked the intellectual capacities needed to vote, and did everything in their power to prevent them from having a part in the democratic system. The grandfather clause was adapted in the late 19th century, and its true intent was to deny poor, uneducated African-Americans the right to vote. However, a move was finally made on the blacks ' behalf, and the 15th amendment was passed, which stated that the "right of citizens …show more content…

They had already had to deal with slavery the years prior, and even though they were freed, they were still held back from accomplishing their dreams simply because of their skin color. Because of this, many African-Americans grew depressed, angry, and some even committed suicide. Others emigrated to Africa. It wasn’t until the 1960s that African-Americans finally attained their full rights; there were no more laws keeping them from doing what any other white man could

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