
Does The NSA Stick To The Statue Quo?

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The U.S follows a different school of surveillance. Despite the fundamental right to be held “innocent until proven guilty”, it monitors everyone until proven innocent. The status quo could of course damage America’s long known liberties granted by the Constitution. Recent revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden, have confirmed that the government is more likely to cross some constitutional lines in the name of national security. “The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) regulates the government’s acquisition of any electronic surveillance within the country for foreign intelligence use. FISA allows a federal officer to seek an order from a judge at a specially designated court approving electronic surveillance for a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power for the purpose of obtaining foreign intelligence information.” (Harper, 2014, p. 80) Does the NSA stick to the statue quo? Or do they play by their own rules? …show more content…

This can be exampled in the 1970’s, when President Richard Nixon was engaged in the warrantless surveillance of the Democratic Party – a practice made public by the infamous Watergate Scandal. It has also brought this concern to light. The investigation that followed the Watergate scandal revealed to the public and political actors, the clear and uncontrolled abuse of warrantless wiretaps by the executive branch. It was also obvious that the supposed surveillance was not only related to foreign intelligence but also purely targeting domestic political organizations. (p.

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