
Dreams In F. Scott Fitzgerald's Winter Dreams

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Everybody has their own dreams to fulfill, whether it is to become rich, famous, or chancing a loved one. But does everyone get to live their dreams? The short story, Winter Dreams demonstrated the tragic love story between Dexter and Judy. At first, Dexter’s dream was to become wealthy. However, when he met Judy at the age of fourteen, he fell in love with her and started to follow his “winter dreams” in order to fit into Judy’s world. Nevertheless, Judy couldn’t be able to give her heart to Dexter. Thus, he met and engaged to Irene Scheerer, a girl whom Dexter didn’t love as much as Judy. They broke off their engagement because Judy wanted Dexter to be with her. At the end of winter dreams, Dexter wasn’t be with Judy, and Judy married with another man. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald used simile, imagery, and themes to express his point of views and also used symbolism to let the readers picture the images in their minds and also let the readers feel different emotions. …show more content…

In the beginning of the story, the author said: “Some of the caddies were poor as sin and lived in one-room houses with a neurasthenic cow in the front yard, but Dexter Green 's father owned the second-best grocery store in Black Bear” (Holt 858). The simile “poor as sin” displayed how much he disliked the lower class. And his father has owned the second-best grocery store showed he was from the middle-class and has a big ambition for being successful and rich. Another example of simile, Judy was dating another man until one day he told Judy that he was as poor as a church mouse (Holt 865). Judy was really upset that the man she cared was not wealthy. Soon, she disconnected with that guy. In these two examples, poor as sin and poor as the church house portrayed that the characters were looked down on the poor people. Also, the author revealed that all Americans desired to be rich and successful in

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