Essay On Human Face Recognition

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Chapter-1 Introduction In this era of science and technology security plays a vital role in day today life. Security is the basic requirement for all the people starting from common people to VIP and VVIPs. These days human face recognition is most widely used technology and for also the core issue of security. The current security systems are using biometric recognition. Here in this system we are going to make such system that will take the pictures of human and it will match with the data base available and then that will be transferred to the server as our goal is to take attendance of the present students in the class. In current days either in schools or in collages teachers are taking attendance manually that means teachers are speaking roll numbers of the students and then students who are present they call upon their numbers and teachers put their present, but here in this system a embedded microcontroller based system is placed at the entrance of the class and camera is attached with that system so that camera will take the picture of the student coming into the class and match that picture with that available database, if its match then it will …show more content…

The first step in this system is to detecting a human face. For this firstly the camera will enrol and it will apply for the detection i.e. whether the face is properly recognised or not. After that it will apply for the detection process i.e. it will look after that whether the given image is face or not. If it is a face then it will extract the features of the face and match with the current data base which is stored in the memory of processor. And the last step is to verify the face. For the better recognition of all the images the system uses Haar Feature to detect the human face. The main data base of the system is being stored in NAND flash of the S3C2400. This is used to match the captured image with the original

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