
Maslow's Theory

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Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs was that to achieve our full potential, we have to achieve our basic needs, being physiological and safety needs, and also psychological needs, being belongingness and self-esteem needs. Within www.simplypsychology.org (accessed 01/10/2017) saying that "One must satisfy lower level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs". The first tier of his hierarchy does not affect how we prepare a young person coming out, however the second (safety), third (belongingness) and forth (self-esteem) do. If a young person does not feel safe within a setting, then no matter how much we prepare them, they will not come out as they do not feel protected within the setting. This then has a knock on effect to their social interaction, which could then make then feel isolated. This then effects their self esteem, as they might feel as though being LGBT+ is wrong, which could cause them to drop out of school, failing to reach self actualisation. So it is important that we make them feel safe and …show more content…

One explanation of his theory from www.study.com (accessed 01/10/2017) "when a person has to resolve a conflict in his or her own life." For a teenager, ages between 13 years and 18 years of age, the two outcomes are Identity Vs Confusion, depending on how a young person has been influenced and prepared. Teachers can prepare young people by providing educating lessons, such as within PSE, to give them a better understanding of sexualities and identities. This can help them to have a better idea whether or not they were LGBT+, and if so, what they might identify with. However, if they are not prepared by teacher, then they might not have the knowledge of other sexualities and identities. This might confuse some young people, as they might feel certain things which they didn’t think they would, such as having romantic feelings for the same

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