Society And Society: The Importance Of Education

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1.1 BACKGROUND Education is very important in transforming the society, it forms the heart of all our actions. What we do every day is what we know and have learned, it’s either through orders or through observation and adaptation. When we do not make an effort to learn, our minds will not make an effort to learn new things or process new information. When we try to learn new things everyday our minds will want to learn new things every day. Education is a necessity for everyone, but most of the people tend to use it as a tool to reach a personal goal, then after reaching that goal the will be no use for them to reach greater education. The importance of education in society is very important, which is why society and knowledge cannot be ever separated into two different things. I am going to discuss about the role of education in the society and how it affects our lives. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT What role does our view of …show more content…

• South African teachers have the basic academic and knowledge capabilities needed to teach the skills needed by our learners. • The resources provided are not used in the right manner. • The Failure of the department of education to do their responsibilities. • Most students are able to find information on their own, without the help of the teacher. • There are those teachers who still feed his or her learners with information, learners are not able to find information on their own. The similarities between the South African education system and the one Freire described is that students are still the depositories and the teacher the depositor because students do not find their own information, they do not learn to understand what is being taught to them, they learn to memorize not knowing the meaning behind what is being taught to them. 2.2IMPLICATIONS OF EDUCATION SYSTEM FREIRE DESCRIBED On an Ontological

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