
Essay On Scout's Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout the novel, “ To Kill a Mockingbird”, written by Harper Lee, the character Jean Louise Finch, also known as Scout, undergoes significant changes that involve her personal growth and loss of innocence. As Scout grows, she learns about life through the many experiences and events that shape her coming of age.Through conflicts with others, understanding her father's beliefs, exposure to racism, and learning valuable life lessons, Scout transforms from an innocent, naive child to a mature, understanding young woman. At the beginning of the novel, Scout is just an innocent child who is unaware of the prejudice and discrimination that exists in her hometown of Maycomb, Alabama. However, through her experiences with her family, friends, and community,Scout's innocent views begin to change. She realizes that things are not always as they seem and that her father, Atticus, is a man who stands up for what is right, regardless of the consequences. Scout sees this firsthand when he defends a black man in court, which helps to open her eyes to the kind of man her father is and the importance of standing up for what is right. …show more content…

When she is in school, her teacher Mrs. Caroline Fisher reprimands her for knowing how to read before she started school, which makes Scout feel out of place and uncomfortable.In addition,Scout learns about the dark side of human nature and the harsh realities of life through conflicts with her neighbor, Mrs.Dubose. Mrs. Dubose is an opium addict who continuously insults and belittles Scout and her family. The experience is traumatizing enough to cause Scout to start questioning the actions of the people around her and leads to a loss of

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