
Events Leading Up To The Great Depression

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In October of 1929, the stock market crashed. This caused the business of the world to be in serious trouble. By 1932, 12 million men were without a job, and desperate. The families had a few options during this time. They could either try and find a job, or cut back on their spending. Getting a job was almost impossible, and if they got lucky enough to get a job, the salaries were so low that it almost wasn’t worth working anymore. The Depression had a few effects, but one of the more serious ones was that world trade had declined. This effected the framers the most, because the farmers depended on everyone’s purchases. With their being hardly any income, many farmers lost their properties. Some stayed and were tenants, but most moved to …show more content…

This was not successful which lead to debt. There were 100,000 business that had failed. Many Americans began to blame the president for all that had happened. Even his name started to be used as a prefix of abuse. Hunger protests began because the money had run out and people were jobless. In the summer of 1932, the Bonus March on Washington had 15,000 veterans from World War. They meet at the capital and tried to obtain federal Aid. They voted and said no to this offer. There was a rumor that a riot was being planned, so this caused panic and Hoover ordered troops to march on their camps and to drive their families away. This was the most disruption since the civil war, so they knew something had to be done. This caused the voice of Franklin Roosevelt to be known. He said that any plan for recovery had to include direct relief for those called the forgotten men. Roosevelt’s first act was a bank holiday, where they closed every bank in the nation. This started something called the 100 days. Roosevelt had something called the three R’s, Recovery, Relief, and Reform. During this time, Roosevelt had many positive things that helped such as the AAA, the CCC, the Federal Emergency Relief Act, and the NRA. After all of this, the 100days came to an

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