Examples Of Boo Radley As A Christ Figure In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The idea of a character being a Christ-like figure can sometimes be unimaginable. It’s the concept itself that tends to frighten people because they may deem it a taboo topic to speak of. They believe that there can’t be any correlation between christ and the character. However, it’s the qualities of that fictional person causes them to qualify as a christ-like figure. At first, the connection won’t present itself until their personalities and qualities have been picked apart piece by piece and carefully observed. Sometimes the connections can be extremely faint, or so strong that it’s obvious right away that there is a similarity between Christ and that character. A christ figure in a book is oftentimes not even given much thought. People often are unaware what to look for, but in Harper Lee’s all time classic To Kill …show more content…

Boo Radley, at the very beginning of the book, was a man with multiple stories and legends surrounding him. One such was that when Boo Radley was 33 years old, he stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors, and resumed cutting out things from the newspaper in his lap (11). His age is a significant pointer to the beginning of the Christ-figure motif characteristics appearing because when Jesus was last seen, his supposedly known age was 33. At this point in time, it was as if Boo was sacrificing any hope he had at his own family. It would be one of the very few times any one else would be able to see him for quite some time. It was as if Boo had been confined to his own tomb for many decades to come until Jem and Scout Finch and Dill Harris began tempting him to come out just as the devil had

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