
Examples Of Discourse Communities

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A discourse community is a group of people that share a set of values and goals. Members of a discourse community have their own way of communicating within the group and with the public. Although the communities may differ in subject matter and appearance, they do share varying levels of similarities. The three-discourse communities that we will be focusing on are: art, research biology and finance: specifically, the financial service sector. Furthermore, we will be comparing the three-discourse communities on: similarities among all the groups, similarities between each group and the differences among all three. As stated in the preceding paragraph, all three discourse communities share surprising similarities. They include: intercommunication …show more content…

When it comes to specific discourse communities many have a preferred way of communication. For example, in the art community, emails are used more frequently than phone calls. Simply because it is more convenient for many artists to email than to call other occupied artists. Like the art community, emails are means of communication in the financial service sector, other channels of communication comprise of: teleconferencing (webinars, Skype), written communication, Instant messaging, texting and computer conferencing. The type of communication implemented varies based on richness (the amount of information available in a given channel), control (the degree to which the communication process can be managed) and speed (the quickness a message exchange occurs). Intercommunication is an integral part of discourse communities since it allows people in an identical profession to communicate …show more content…

The way communication changes when talking to an audience or talking to fellow people in the field is something that occurs in each. Though each of these discourse communities use different sets of jargon. The idea of making an idea easier for an audience of common people is something that happens with both communities. Another important aspect that is the same among the discourse communities is the cost. Though the cost comes from different areas, the bottom line the cost is great. So, the chase for both is the option to apply for grants to help lessen the cost. Presentation plays a crucial role in both, for biology it could be presenting results from research conducted. And for art it be giving an artist talk about the art work. Though each community is different many actions

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