
Examples Of Ethos In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Does the author use any rhetorical devices? Give two examples of ethos, pathos, or logos of each device. Do explain and justify why you think that example is logos or pathos, or ethos.
The author uses ethos regularly in the novel Night. An example of ethos in the novel is when Eliezer states that the entire community trusts his father and seeks his advice (Wiesel 4). His father is seen as credible because he is known for being cultured and famous in the Jewish community. His father is credible and has some authority, so whenever he gives advice and suggestions, it is a form of ethos. Another example of ethos would be when Eliezer listens to Moishe the Beadle’s teachings of Jewish mysticism and takes his suggestions (Wiesel 5). Moishe the Beadle …show more content…

This is a form of ethos because Eliezer listens to Moishe’s teachings since Moishe is a credible source of information and has religious authority. There are many instances of pathos in the novel. One such example is when Eliezer says that he will never forget “the first night in camp, that turned [his] life into one long night seven times sealed” (Wiesel 34). This is an example of pathos because it expresses the sadness and anger that Eliezer feels after his mother and younger sister are murdered by the Nazi guards. Since the author is using emotional appeal, this would be ethos. Another example of pathos is when Eliezer says, “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep” after his father had died in the Buchenwald Nazi concentration camp (Wiesel 112). This is an example of pathos because it expresses the severity of Eliezer’s sadness that he could not even cry. The appeal to emotion causes this to be an example of pathos. There are various occasions in the novel when the author uses logos. The author uses logos when he states a …show more content…

This is a simile because the author compares Moishe the Beadle to a clown using the word “as.” The author also uses personification when he says, “The shadows around me roused themselves as if from a deep sleep” (Wiesel 14). This is personification because he gives shadows human qualities, like being able to wake up from sleep, but shadows are inanimate. The author uses a metaphor to say the Hungarian police were “the first faces of hell and death” (Wiesel 19). This is an example of a metaphor because the author compares the Hungarian police to the faces of hell without using “like” or “as.” The author also uses irony when he says about the concentration camp that “the conditions were good. Families would not be separated” (Wiesel 27). This is an example of irony because the concentration camp conditions are the exact opposite. The conditions in the concentration camp were terrible, and many families were being separated at the main gates. The author uses a hyperbole when he says, “my heart was about to burst” (Wiesel 34). This is a hyperbole because Eliezer’s heart was not actually about to burst; he was exaggerating how scared he was at that

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